Any dive bar that's worth a damn in Chicago has an Old Style sign out front. I found a fun Flickr group dedicated to all things Old Style. This is the Chicago I know and love:
Blogroll Retrospective: Epilogue...

Well, that was a lot of fun. It was nice to see people stop by I hadn't heard from in a while. I hope that others who have not yet discovered these will trickle in over time. It was also nice to hear from some of you that this series has inspired you to get back into posting stuff. It's been a long time since I've had 70+ posts in a single month. If there are some of you who still follow this blog that I omitted, my sincere apologies. And now, back to the toilet humor!
Blogroll Retrospective: Genius Pending...
In most cases, whenever I start reading a new blog, I can identify another blogger who led me to it. Not so in the case of Jay of "Genius Pending". I'm pretty sure it was completely random. He hasn't been around here for a while, so I don't know if he still reads this. He's another Seattle-area blog-pal with some seriously funny-ass material. It's a nice mix of long stuff and short stuff. He's another one I hope starts posting again regularly.
Blogroll Retrospective: Son Of A Thomas...
There are quite a few Philly-area bloggers on my roll, including Son Of A Thomas. I think we discovered each other through comments on Zibb's blog. Like I've said a million times, it's another blog with a sense of humor that I appreciate. The author is a former radio personality who is currently seeking employment, so if you have any connections in that area, I'm sure he'd like to talk to you.
Blogroll Retrospective: Gingers Is The Watchword...
"Gingers Is The Watchword" is another blog I discovered because of its ubiquitous (nice) presence throughout our corner of the blogosphere. There you will find plenty of humor and pop culture, as well as some original music. Red was another participant in the aforementioned fantasy football league. Unfortunately, I snagged her beloved San Diego Chargers from under her - a move that eventually proved critical to my success. I hope she can forgive me.
Blogroll Retrospective: Extraneous Kickassery...
Seriously? April 19th? I think it's time to get back in the game, Jon of "Extraneous Kickassery" (one of my favorite blog titles, by the way). I discovered Jon thanks to Falwless's obsession with him. Of course he has the mandatory sense of humor. He's also one of the few bloggers besides myself who posts about sports. In fact, he orchestrated a fun little fantasy football league last season that - thanks to the upstart Cincinnati Bengals - won me $40. At any rate, I hope he finds his way back to posting at some point.
Blogroll Retrospective: Whiskeymarie...
Like so many other blogs I currently follow, Whiskeymarie's was one that was linked everywhere. She has a goofy sense of humor (like your truly) and I love the way she signs off on her posts (i.e.: "Happy Tuesday, my sweaty little aerobic leprechauns. Happy Tuesday."). I also like to see the posts of her and Gwen (Everything I Like Causes Cancer) raising hell together. If they ever need a volunteer videographer for their misadventures, I hope they keep me in mind.
Blogroll Retrospective: Cora & Scope...
Okay, for this entry, I've decided to combine two blogs in honor of their recent nuptials. That's right, these two actually beat Megan and I to become the first bloggers in our little circle to become husband and wife (as Cora would say, "Squeeeeee!"). I discovered both of them through Zibbs. I've actually met Scope at a Chicago function and, who knows, now that Cora is moving to Chicago I may have the opportunity to meet her on one of my future trips. It has been fun to watch their relationship blossom as someone who had had a similar experience. At times I've wondered if - now that the wedding is over - they'll have anything new to post about, but somehow I don't think it'll be a problem. Congratulations, you two! I wish you all the best.
Blogroll Retrospective: The Imaginary Review...
Jeez. Another Canadian. Here is another case of one of my favorite bloggers falling off the face of the earth. If you have never visited "The Imaginary Review", do yourself a favor and check out some of his archive. He has made me laugh out loud on several occasions. He is to comedic prose what Vikkitikkitavi is to political essays. He's a craftsman. I seriously hope he is not gone for good. He is funny as shit and we all know that shit is fucking hilarious.
Blogroll Retrospective: Katrocket...
I swear. You let one Canadian onto your blogroll and pretty soon the whole place is infested! I'm just joking, of course. I used to follow Katrocket on the now-nonexistent "Rocket Radio" blog. Her new blog is billed as a photography site, but she still takes time to write and make with the funny. I can't really recall how I stumbled upon her other than the fact that she was linked to a lot of other blogs I like. One of these days I need to do a Canadian tour and meet all these Canucks with their uppity socialized medicine and what-not.
Blogroll Retrospective: The Vegetable Assassin...
I have tremendous respect for anyone who can tolerate living somewhere colder than I do. When she's not fending off hordes of rodent invaders, The Vegetable Assassin is posting some of the funniest stuff out there these days. Plus, she can string together obscenities like nobody's business. I discovered her thanks to The Other Side Of Normal, the now dormant blog of her significant other. She is also an amazing artist. Be sure to check out her series of Airstream paintings, some of which are on the sidebar.
Blogroll Retrospective: Miss Alex...
Miss Alex of "Fonzie Sox" is another NYC connection. One of us found the other through Casual Slack from what I can remember. She has the same sort of goofiness as Jen and often contributes photos to the Fee Feasible blog. She is an artist who recently made the move from Jersey to Manhattan and has been writing about that as of late. Her posts are very open and honest and full of vibrant photography.
Blogroll Retrospective: KimDeC...
The only other food blog I follow other than Megan's is KimDeC's "My Lil' Kitchen". I discovered her over on Zibbs' blog. I think they live in the same area and that she has actually met him in person. Anyway, she takes beautiful photographs of some mouth-watering recipes - especially the pasta dishes. This is yet another case of two blogs that don't really have anything in common - hers is about cuisine and mine is about toilet humor - and still we read each other's stuff. I think that's cool.
Blogroll Retrospective: Bill Stankus...
I'm not sure how many of my other readers follow Bill Stankus's "A Moment Of Miscellany". I discovered him after he started commenting here. Whenever there's a comment from someone new, I always check out their blog. Bill is an accomplished woodworker from the Seattle area. He's actually published books on the subject. He also posts beautiful photographs and informative mini-essays. It is a very no-frills, serene blog. He's also a big Carlin fan which indicates we would get most likely get along.
Blogroll Retrospective: Suzel's Sass...
Where did Suze of "Suzel's Sass" go? I found her because she was linked to a ton of blogs I liked, so I figured I must be missing out and gave hers a look. I was. She had plenty of short posts (I've told you about my short attention span, right?) and they were packed with humor and, as the title implies, sass. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her much on Facebook, either. Suze, if you see this, be sure to check in every once in a while so we don't worry. With that, I will proudly add you to the list.
Blogroll Retrospective: Impeachment And Other Dreams...
DGuzman of "Impeachment And Other Dreams" (which has since been shortened to "...Other Dreams") was a regular commenter on several of the political blogs I frequented. At the time, she and I were dreaming of the same thing - getting Dubya the hell out of the White House. She writes passionately about progressive issues and always with humor. She also has a blog that documents her love of birdwatching. I haven't seen her around here for a while, but that's not unusual. Perhaps this series will bring her out of hiding.
Blogroll Retrospective: Everything I Like Causes Cancer...
Alright, I'm starting the second act of this retrospective with Gwen of "Everything I Like Causes Cancer". I found her through either Zibbs or Falwless - I'm not sure which. I was hooked immediately. Gwen is a riot! She does not shy away from gross-out humor. She's also very gracious. She was so kind as to send me a copy of a documentary she had. She's had a bit of a dry spell this past month, but I'm sure she's just gathering material that she'll release in a torrent of posts. I happily welcome her to my blogroll.
Blogroll Retrospective: Intermission...

Blogroll Retrospective: Cooper Green...
This is another instance where a blogger should be higher up the roll. I removed Cooper Green of "Lying Bastard" after I thought he had abandoned his blog, then put him back when I found out he was posting again. Another funny Canadian, Cooper Green has truly found his wheelhouse with his daily captioned photoshopped gems. They are perfect for the blog-reader on the go - bite-sized posts for easy consumption. He never fails to put a smile on my face.
Blogroll Retrospective: The Other Side Of Normal...
One of the saddest blog absences for me has been that of God. No, not that God. The God who wrote "The Other Side Of Normal". The guy is laugh-out-loud funny. I discovered him thanks to Zibbs. He used to post all the time and was one of the most inventive bloggers out there. I don't know what's in that Canadian water, but it makes people fucking hilarious. Then, just like that, he was gone. Each day I hope and pray that God will find some inspiration to start posting again.
Blogroll Retrospective: That Blue Yak...
I credit Dr. Zibbs of "That Blue Yak" for giving me my second wind as a blogger. Things were starting to stagnate around here when I found him through Falwless. I even remember the post - a goofy video he made - that let me know this guy was weird like me. Thanks to him, I found a whole bunch of new blogs to follow. His craziness motivated me to up the ante on my own blog and take it to all new levels of insanity. Hell, if I hadn't discovered him, I may have thrown in my blogging towel. So thanks, Zibbs, for the creative kick in the ass!
Blogroll Retrospective: Happy To Be From Iowa...
I believe my connection to MNMom of "Happy To Be From Iowa" comes through Mindy June, but as for who visited who first, I can't recall. Although she may be happy to be from Iowa, she lives in Minnesota now. She has a great sense of humor and a disdain for hardcore right-wing politics - two pluses. She and I share a love of the northwoods, something she likes to post about. I was rooting her on in her struggles against the corrupt entities that forced her and her family to move out of their dream home. I believe that, one day, there will be some sort of karmic retribution.
Blogroll Retrospective: Falwless...
Every now and then, Falwless of "Lots Better Then Your Blog" will emerge from her cave and write a teaser post saying she's going to get back into posting, but it's usually short-lived. It's a shame, because she has cracked me up on more than one occasion with her stream-of-consciousness writing style. Plus, she always used to leave the best comments about how hilarious she thought I was. I'm pretty sure she discovered me somehow, but I'm not positive. Fal, if you read this, come back, dammit! You are missed!
Blogroll Retrospective: Better Living Through Bacon...
Those of you who know my love of bacon can understand why I might have been drawn to the Bacon Lady's "Better Living Through Bacon". She's an old friend of Grant's who I met - along with her husband - at a couple Chicago get-togethers. She's another midwesterner and her posts were always a lot of fun. As you can see, she hasn't posted anything in over a year, which is too bad. This is another case where Facebook helps fill in the holes.
Blogroll Retrospective: Twist-O-Lemon...
This blog is actually in the wrong place. I have known Cap'n Ergo Jinglebollocks (aka Big Orange/Hot Lemon) of "With A Twist O' Lemon" a lot longer than his position on this list would indicate. I discovered him through Flannery, who is a real-life friend of his. I haven't met him, but I did speak to him on the phone once. I removed him from the blogroll for a while when his original blog was discovered by his former employer which led to all sorts of problems. Thankfully, he's back in a different incarnation and writing with regularity. He's a talented writer with a weirdness that I appreciate.
Blogroll Retrospective: The Pop Eye...
When I'm in the mood for a healthy dose of popular culture served piping hot, I drop by Beckeye's "The Pop Eye". I'm actually surprised it took as long as it did to discover her blog given that it was linked on almost every other one I read. Her blog is whole lot of fun. I give her credit for introducing me to "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia". You've got to have a sense of humor to like that show, and she does. Alas, I'm afraid due to my poor captioning skills that I'll never win "Firecrotch of the Month".
Blogroll Retrospective: Kirby...
Kirby of "I Make No Promises..." is another wonderful blogger from SoCal that, as I recall, I discovered over at Vikki's blog. She writes about her family and home-schooling her son, Slim. That's another thing about blogs. Not only do I feel like I'm getting to know the blogger, but many times their families as well. Kirby is also quite outdoorsy and writes about hiking and camping. Oh, and she has some great food posts, too. It's a nice variety. Her posts are not too long and not too short - just right.
Blogroll Retrospective: Gifts From A Broad...
We are now up to the 44th entry and this is the first (and only) blogger who actually resides in Michigan. The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch of "Gifts From A Broad" is someone who, as I remember, discovered my blog and I started reading hers based on her funny comments. I mean, after 44 of these, do I even have to say that she writes well and has a sense of humor? Well, she does. My only hope is that, if she isn't eating lunch, she is at least having a nourishing breakfast.
Blogroll Retrospective: Distributor Cap...
In February, Distributorcap announced he was taking a break from blogging. Fortunately, it didn't last long and he is back to posting his brilliant political posts (many of which, like Dr. Zaius, are featured on Crooks & Liars). I mean, tell me this little bit of photoshopped magic doesn't chill you to the bone while at the same time make you laugh your ass off. My guess is that I found DCap linked at one of my other favored political blogs. I imagine I could have a great discussion with him and probably learn a lot if I ever met him in person.
Blogroll Retrospective: Micgar...
Micgar of "C3 - Comics, Comedians And Clips" is another former commenter I haven't heard from in a while. I can't recall how we met, but I know what piqued my interest in his blog. He posted a lot of stand-up comedy clips, including plenty of Bill Hicks and George Carlin. By now you people have to understand how important it is for me to have a good laugh each and every day.
Blogroll Retrospective: Zaius Nation...
Dr. Zaius of "Zaius Nation" is a zen master of the photoshop and possesses technical blogging skills I can't begin to comprehend. I'm not sure how he does a lot of the things he does. He's another one of my favorite political bloggers. His posts are often featured on my beloved Crooks & Liars. This is another instance where I can't really remember how we connected. It might have been Kristi or it might have been Samurai Frog. However it happened, I'm glad it did. Dr. Zaius is a class act!
Blogroll Retrospective: Samurai Frog...
If I had to choose one blog if I was stranded on a deserted island, it would be Samurai Frog's "Electronic Cerebrectomy". I hate to play favorites, but I'm a big fan. He writes about stuff that interests me - politics, popular culture, movies, etc. - and he does it well, with humor, conviction, and regularity. Plus, there's nudity! I really can't remember how I stumbled upon him. He was on a lot of my favorite blog's blogrolls. Today just happens to be his birthday, so if you're an admirer like me, go over and wish him a happy one!
Blogroll Retrospective: Monkey Muck...
Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein (His full title. I'm not sure if we've ever found out what he's a doctor of.) of "Monkey Muck" is another powerhouse blogger. I really can't say how I found him or if he found me. I do know we have a lot in common politically and religiously. I'll admit there have been times (very few) that I've been kinda turned of by some of the things he's written, both on his blog and on Facebook, but never enough to stop reading. I'm pretty sure he is the first (former) Michigander to follow my blog. I like the fact that he is honest and unapologetic about what he believes in. I'm just glad he's on my side.
Blogroll Retrospective: Evil Genius...
I don't think that Evil Genius of "What I Like About The Universe" is as evil as his name might suggest. He seems like a pretty good guy to me. I think I discovered him either through Grant or Kristi. He's another one I haven't seen around in a long time, so I'm not sure if he still reads this blog. Of course, with my limited commenting lately, I suppose he could be wondering the same thing about me. Like with so many other blogs, I liked this one because it's fun. It's funny and colorful and has pretty pictures to look at. What can I say? I'm a man of simple tastes.
Blogroll Retrospective: Splotchy...
Splotchy at "I, Splotchy" has always been one of my favorites. He's another Chicago-area blogger I've been able to hang out with on a few occasions. He's got a dry sense of humor and is a great guy. I discovered him thanks to Bubs. I'm a big fan of his "Unconnected Tuesdays" series and its complete randomness. I also had a blast being a part of his Green Monkey Music Project and was honored to achieve the title of Green Monkey Master. He is also an accomplished filmmaker. Like the rest of us, he doesn't blog nearly as much as he used to.
Blogroll Retrospective: Mixed Nut...
I have no idea what's up with Mixed Nut of "It's A Mixed Nut World". I haven't seen him around here for a long time, although he has recently joined Facebook. I'm pretty sure he only commented at first, but was eventually cajoled into starting his own blog. He always seemed like a great guy - someone who I hope stops by again, even if it's just to say hello.
Blogroll Retrospective: Cormac Brown...
I first knew Cormac Brown of "Cormac Writes" as Write Procrastinator. In this case, I can remember exactly how I discovered him. He had a little side-blog called "Bad Lieutenant's Wife" that I happened upon where you took two (or more) movies that shared a word in their titles and reconstructed them to form a new movie title. It sounds weird, but as a movie freak, I had a great time coming up with new stuff. CB is another one of those all-around nice guys who I hope to one day meet in person. I know the next time I'm in the Bay Area, I'm looking him up.
Blogroll Retrospective: Melinda June...
Melinda June of "The Special People Club" is another find from the Lulu/Coaster Punchman wing of my blogroll. In fact, if memory serves, it was Melinda June who officiated at the marriage of CP and Poor George. When I first started reading, Mindy June was living in England. In addition to her adventures as an ex-pat, she often wrote about her Midwestern upbringing, one that had a lot of parallels to my own. Her blog has the requisite irreverence I look for. It's been a long time since her last post and I hope she's not done for good.
Blogroll Retrospective: Catherinette Singleton...
I can't think of another blog that has a cast of characters like Catherinette's "Bridget Jones Has Nothing On Me." Luckily, there is a handy guide that makes it easy to keep track. I think this was another link that Grant had that I started reading. I thought it was hilarious and appreciated the fact that it wasn't squeamish about its subject matter. Now, normally a guy like me living in the backwoods or northern Michigan wouldn't have much in common with an urban mover-and-shaker like Catherinette, but as those of us who blog have learned, humor is the great uniter.
Blogroll Retrospective: Skyler's Dad...
What can you say about a guy like Skyler's Dad of "Some Day's It's Not Worth Chewing Through The Leather Straps"? Besides having one the longest blog titles I can think of, the guy is a blogging (and commenting) dynamo! I discovered him through GKL as they had been co-workers at one point. I always look forward to his "Bad Tat Tuesdays" series as well his updates on his son, Skyler. I don't think there will be much argument that S.D. is one of the nicest guys out there in the intro-nets. I hope one day I can get out west skiing and have he and Kristi join me, but only if he promises to wear those vintage K2 skis he has!
Blogroll Retrospective: Wonderturtle...
Much of Wonderturtle's (of "In Her Shell") story is the same as Hapabukbuk's. I haven't seen her around in a long time, either. I think I discovered her through one of Megan's links. They were both school teachers and had similar stories to tell. This is one of the reasons I like Google Reader so much. In case she does decide to start posting again, I won't miss it. She always wrote very thoughtful, well-written posts.
Blogroll Retrospective: Hapabukbuk...
"Musings Of A Hapabukbuk" is fun, quiet little blog I discovered on Grant's blogroll. I haven't seen her around here in quite some time and, as you can see, she hasn't posted anything recently. She's not on Facebook (that I'm aware of), so I can't really be sure what her blogging status is. I know that Lulu has met her and speaks highly of her. I hope she's not done because I enjoyed the stuff she posted.
Blogroll Retrospective: BUBS...
I'm not sure why I put Bub's of "Sprawling Ramshackle Compound" in ALL CAPS on my roll. Probably because I was so jazzed about adding another Chicago-area blogger. I think Bubs was part of the whole Lulu/Johnny Yen wing of the blogosphere when I discovered him. I've since met he and his wife, MizBubs, on several occasions and they are extremely kind-hearted and fun. I think most of Bub's blogging time is now devoted to his "Arresting Tales" blog (he's a police detective). I certainly hope our paths cross again in the future, just so long as it's not because I'm in trouble with the law.
Blogroll Retrospective: Joe...
I still remember when he was the proprietor of Dick Small's Blog (and used Tom DeLay's mugshot as his avatar), but nowadays Joe is devoted to reminiscing about the seventies. As someone who lived during 8/10ths of the seventies, I find that I remember a lot of the stuff he posts about. I think I discovered Joe through Casual Slack. It's another blog without too much text and plenty of pictures. There are a few bloggers I've never seen photographed and I think Joe is one of them, unless he posted something a long time ago that I missed.
Blogroll Retrospective: Dave...
Dave at Bad Art Global is another Elmhurst friend and someone I've known since middle school. Most of his early posts were of his artwork - artwork he deemed "bad art", but stuff I thought was quite good. I haven't seen Dave around the blogs for a long time, so I'm not sure if he's finished or just taking a break. I know he has a newborn at home thanks to Facebook. I don't mean to say that he and Facebook conceived a child, just that I read about it on Facebook.
Blogroll Retrospective: Anon. Blogger...
I did a post a long time ago in which I gave anyone who requested one a new nickname. To my knowledge, Bubbles is the only one who still uses hers. I think we connected through Vikki and/or GKL. When I first started reading, she was in the midst of a major home renovation which interested me as an architect. Bubbles is another one I got to meet at the big Chicago meet-up (Here's one of the only existing pictures). We don't hear as much from Bubbles as we once did, but she doesn't stay away for too long. Her new job may be keeping her busy.
Blogroll Retrospective: Passion Of The Dale...
I was happy to see Dale of "Passion Of The Dale" returning to his blog after a brief hiatus. Dale is another blogging icon. Everyone seems to know him, which is why I have trouble pinpointing how I originally found him. I loved his tales of the Korean Bagel Lady and his former neighbor, Honeypot. Plus, he has the honor of being the first Canadian to grace my blogroll. If you haven't listened to any of the audio Dale has posted on his blog, do yourself a favor. He's got a voice like buttery velvet. He also just joined the Facebooks, so go friend him up if you haven't already.
Blogroll Retrospective: Doc...
Another great blog name - "Social Zymurgy: The Culture Of Beer". I think it's safe to say I discovered this blog through Flannery (Doc's wife). I remember in it's early days, it was mostly a blog about beer and its consumption, but it has evolved over the years into a place where Doc can demonstrate his tremendous skill as a raconteur. Doc has been having a rough go of things as of late - stuff that he's upfront and honest about on his blog - and it would seem that things are starting to look up. I wish him all the best and will continue to read whatever he decides to write.
Blogroll Retrospective: Genn6...
Here is another blog whose title intrigued me when I first saw it - "Where Are We Going And Why Am I In This Handbasket?". Genn6 is a real-life friend of Flannery and Doc and was part of the group that was over when I stayed with them in Canton, although I had had a bit to drink at that point in the evening, so my memory is sketchy. Genn6's blog has a lot about sports and music and the requisite sense of humor I'm always talking about.
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