- I heard him say "doggone" during the debate last night. Anyone who says doggone is telling the world that they are a lame-o of the highest magnitude. My apologies to those of you who use doggone regularly.
- His name makes people think of this guy:
He also is one of the three that doesn't believe in evolution, but that's probably a plus for him in the primaries.
I think doggone is a fun word. But then again, I've been told I'm lame. So sad!
I want Obama to win. I like him. I mean, I REALLY like him, if you catch my drift *wink*
Btw, I didn't know about the obese thing concerning Mr. H. Ironic how "Huckabee" and "hypocrite" both start with the same letter.
I'd rather vote for somebody named "Snagglepuss"
Randy- I hadn't heard that. That's unfortunate.
K.I.D.- I'll pray for you.
Dick- You're so cryptic!
S.D.- Heavens to murgatroid!
Vikki- I totally forgot about that! Yeah, for god's sake let those guys out already!
I say doggone.
If you want...
could stop....
reading your blog..
Anon- It's OK. You are forgiven. Hell, it's not like you say "dadburn".
Do you?
Hey - he got the Colbert Bump.
Hopefully noneo f them will win. I'm so sick of Republican regimes.
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