Why? It's not like he prevented 9-11. What the fuck did he do that was so extraordinary? From what I've read, there were a lot of fuck-ups attributable to him that people seem to afraid to press him on. He's like some 9-11 sacred cow.
It's like as long as he didn't freak out and lose his cool, he'd be guaranteed hero status.
I'm sorry, Rudester, but what Ron Paul said (our foreign policy contributed to the 9-11 attacks) has validity. The fact that you choose to deny that there is more to it than "they hate us for our freedoms" speaks to how short-sighted you are - a presidential quality we've become all too familiar with, lo these past six years.
It's security expertise by proxy. He was there, he watched other security workers work, he locked the barn door after the horses got out, he looked good in an FDNY hat, therefore he's a security expert.
...isn't that enough for you, Chris? Jesus, you're picky.
Walking around looking concerned somehow constituted brilliance, according to many. Didn't he do what any other mayor would have done?
I'm curious if he was behind the brilliant decision to put tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel, and the control center for emergencies at the one place in New York that had been a terrorist target.
I totally agree
I say that all the time!!
"What the fuck did
he do that was so
right on
Why are Republicans, in general, given credit for being strong on security? It's maddening...
one up: what exactly did the dude who was director of homeland security DO other than give us a rainbow security warning system that no one paid attention to 3 days after it was released??
Terrorist attacks on an American city with a Republican Mayor and President: 1
Terrorist attacks on an American city with a Democratic Mayor and President: 0
Where have you people been all my life? As someone who lived in NYC during 9/11, I have been saying this for YEARS: Why is Giuliani such a hero just because he didn't shit his pants and hide on 9/11? Sure, he did a good job keeping his cool, but certainly no better than any other mayor with a modicum of competence. Sheesh.
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