- It's short. It's only a half hour show. For those of you who have watched MTV shows, you know that this comes out to about seven minutes after commercials.
- There's no competition or back-stabbing as in other reality shows.
- It seems like a nice gesture to treat someone who drives a piece of shit to a complete auto makeover. Any of you who have driven beaters know how good it would feel to drive something that looks good and runs.
- There is a creative process. I love shows where you get to see people building shit.
What they have not done yet is install an actual functioning, flushable toilet in one of the cars. Perhaps they're saving it for the season finale.
Love this show!
The catch is the taxes the kids have to pay on the insanely expensive upgrades to their cars.
But Xzibit cracks me up. I used to love the little mexican who sewed the upholstery. All badass on the outside but a little home ec boy on the inside.
I like this show as well.
Could you pimp my blog?
I also like the guy with the spikes in his lower lip/chin region... kind of hot.
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