The way they talk about him, you'd think General David Petraeus was the second coming of Jesus Christ. Shit, check out the size of his halo! It's always General Petraeus this and General Petraeus that and we have to give him a chance and it's HIS plan and blah blee blah blah blah.
I hope this guy is gearing up for his future role as "scapegoat numero uno".
I love how his name rhymes with "Betray us".
And than he retires and writes a book blaming the administration and claiming it was never his plan to begin with.
Very astute, Phil.
dude, Jesus is already here and he's also the antichrist!
Sorry, but you've been scooped!!
"Scapegoat numero uno"?
You've been reading secret White House memos, right?
I feel bad for Gen. Petraeus. I think he's been a good soldier and he's a decent man. He wrote the Army's manual on counterinsurgency, and he's been brought in for the sole purpose of giving the appearance of legitimacy to Bush's "surge." By Petraeus' own formula, we'd need something like 300,000 troops in Iraq to make a difference. It's sad to see him in this position.
Your scapegoat comment is right on target.
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