Would you:
- Drink a bottle of Murphy's Oil Soap?
- Call your mother-in-law "satan's cunt" to her face?
- Jump into a pool of pork drippings and earwax?
- Rub baby oil all over Rush Limbaugh's naked body?
- Wear mittens made of pubic hair?
- Watch reruns of "Who's The Boss?"
- Fuck a marmoset?
If you said yes to any of these, you're an idiot. Don't you know they sell those fucking things at the store? Jeez.
Am...the second one for sure and I'm intrigued by the marmoset line.
Out of all of those, "Rub baby oil all over Rush Limbaugh's naked body?" is the most repulsive by far!
"Who's The Boss?"
Damn, that's harsh!
Um, what happened to the gross-out warning, honey?
Ha, amazing. Chris, you continue to amaze me. :)
the mittens made of pubic hair is really gross.
See, I don't know. I would happily engage in number two. I wouldn't even need to be rewarded with a Klondike bar.
Why the hell didn't you tell me before I did all of those things?
a drumstick could kick
a klondike bars ASS
just sayin'
tenS is totally lying. She would watch anything with Tony Danza, anytime, anywhere. She is Tony Danza's biggest fan.
watch reruns of "who's the boss". I liked this show even though it's cheezy as hell now.
Uh, can I call my ex-MIL Satan's Cunt anyway??? Oh, joy!!
After all, the truth is the truth.
I predict our future holds a kitty/puppy picture after this post.
#6, and MAYBE #4. But not the others.
Actually I figured Teri would like this show. I heard she has a Tony Danza iron-on transfer fused to her pillow. I heard she kisses it when no one's looking.
beenzzz- Welcome! It's just because marmoset is a cool-sounding word. Don't worry.
S.D.- I don't know. Have you ever seen "Who's The Boss"?
Spooney- See! You've seen it!
Megan- Sorry, dear. I know how much "Who's The Boss" grosses you out.
Boob Lady- As long as I can do that, this blog will survive.
Cheer34- I don't think they'd be all that warm, either.
Ten S- Do it on her birthday for added impact.
Johnny- Dang! Just a bit too late.
Jen- I think you know of my deep admiration for the drumstick.
Lulu- She is never going to forgive you for letting that cat out of the bag.
Teri- We need to talk...
AB- I'm behind you 100%
Flann- Very intuitive.
Dick- Long time, no see! Teri has some explaining to do.
Frank- The green light is yours!
Who's the Boss isn't just now all of a sudden cheesy, it was always cheesy.
I admit I had a "Who's the Boss?" phase. I comfortable enough with myself to admit that. Talk show Tony does nothing for me.
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