After checking
IMDb.com, I realized that I'd only seen three things featuring
Orson Welles: Citizen Kane, The Muppet Movie, and that Rikki-
Tavi animated feature he narrated that I remember from when I was little. I was excited to get to see him in a documentary and I wasn't
disappointed. It's actually more of a hybrid documentary with some drama mixed in. I won't say too much about the content, other than that it is varied in pace and there are a lot of things to pay attention to. It's all about hoaxes and fakery. It's just the kind of strange film I like. Also, Mr. Welles is buttery-smooth in it.
Wells is a ALWAYS buttery smooth. I wish *I* could get away with talking that slowly, it might make me seem more intelligent.
What happened to all our slow-talking, bearded intellectuals, anyhow? Was he the last??
Put "Start the Revolution Without Me," which Welles had a funny turn as a narrator in, at the top of your Netflix queue. You won't regret it.
You must see Touch of Evil, like, immediately!!!!
Also, if you liked F for Fake, you will really dig The Third Man. Welles didn't direct it, but he is really good in it.
I'm a HUGE OW fan.
10,000- You could be right. A dying breed...
Johnny- It is en route.
Vikki- I'll order it. And I totally forgot about The Third Man, which I have seen.
The opening shot of Touch of Evil is amazing. It's the crane shot to end all crane shots. Of course, the studio looked at it, and said "it's too long," and put the credits over it. If your video place has the newest version, the credits have been removed and the shot restored.
Charlton Heston is a bit unintentionally hilarious as a Mexican lawyer, but the rest of the cast is great, including a few surprises I won't give away.
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