It's strange to think that people we come to know through our blogs can vanish, just like that. I mean, if I were to be killed in the night by angry Mormons, you all would probably find out about it through other bloggers. However, that's probably not the case for everyone. I'm not sure what my point is other than it's sort of strange. Does anyone have any information as to what happened to her?
In her honor, I'm posting more boring video. Turn up the volume and see if you can place what's in the background:
of course it's Seinfeld.
I miss my sister, also. She vanished into thin air and we were supposed to have a beach rendevois (sp?) this spring.
"I mean, if I were to be killed in the night by angry Mormons,"
Perish the thought.....
but maybe they'll mistake your Armor Of God PJ’s™ for The Garment, and spare you.
Was there a garbage truck in the background?
If I ever vanish send someone to look for me... I might be stuck under the car, or something!!
... and the ever-present Assman!
I will guess Assman making a Kramer-like entrance!
HA! Nice video.
I would hunt for you Chris.
It's like she got her legs back and walked off the face of the Earth.
She's from Teri's neck of the woods where people just sort of "disappear".
Or so I've heard.
Angry mormons? LOL... If they find you drowned in a pool of green jell-o or casseroll everyone will know that it was us.
I was a frequent visitor to Zed's blog too. Zed where are you?
Communities who have zero physical connection with their member Bloggers are at risk when those members are subject to unforseen incident or accident. Maybe we should adopt some sort of buddy system to hold personal details in case of emergency...
I hope Zed is okay.
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