I've decided, from now on, I'm going to be a mouth-breather. All my life I've been a nose-breather. Bo-ring!
I'm really excited about this. As if I didn't look cool enough to begin with. This is going to catapult me into a whole new strata of coolness. Feel free to join me on my meteoric rise to the top.
I had a roommate whose girlfriend was a mouth breather. It was horrible. This is not a trend I recommend adopting. ;)
Oh jeez, there's a girl in my class who is a mouth breather. We call her Baby Fish Mouth.
What you lose out in allergen filtering systems, you gain back in coolness. Groundbreaking!
I raise a glass to your pioneering spirit! Good luck on your meteoric journey. Send me a postcard from the top.
I suspect that people were starting to complain about that constant nose-whistle you had going on. Am I right?
Well, don't come complaining to us when your IQ starts dropping. We warned you.
do your teeth look as nice and straight as the models?? if they do, that'll help a whole bunch!!
John Heder is a sexy beast, even if he IS Mormon. I say mouth breathers are just misunderstood.
Ahh, Napoleon. I always breathe through my mouth, I can't help it. I think it's cause growing up, I sucked my thumb and had to breathe through my nose. Now I mouth it. I probably snore. Like a log trucker.
I'm a mouth breather when I sleep.
I'm mouth breathing right now. It always happens when I stop by. And at all other times too.
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