I recently came up with a fantastic new dessert recipe, the last thing you'd expect out of someone as gastronomically challenged as I...

First, buy a box of ice cream sandwiches. Sometimes it's fun to call them "sammitches" or "sangwiches". Remove a few of them from the box and be sure to discard the outer wrapping on each. Toss as many as will fit into...

...a blender. Next add...

Some Baileys Irish Cream. Now, you don't have to buy the Bailey's that comes with two glasses like in the picture, but fuck, if it's the same price as a bottle of Baileys without glasses, you might as well get the glasses. You can never have enough glasses. Unless, of course, you're really cramped for space. Then fuck the glasses. It's up to you.
Pour in the appropriate amount of Baileys depending on how drunk you care to be. Hit one of the buttons on the blender. I like "frappe" personally.
Once the consistency is thick, but not TOO thick, remove the lid (you did remember to put the lid on, right?) and either pour into tall glasses or drink directly from the blender vessel itself if you are impatient. Enjoy!
Portillo's has something similar (without the alcohol though), a Chocolate Cake Shake ... a lovely piece o' cake mixed into a chocolate shake. Dee-lic-ious!!
I consider myself an expert shakemaker and I've never made one with the sangwiches (hehehe that is fun to say) Needless to say, I'm gonna go get a box today.
Wow. I'm impressed Chris. You're what they call a mixologist!
Chris's obvious lack of safety warnings in his recipes must be noted.
I can speak from experience that you should never lick from the bottom of the blender when drinking directly from it before switching it off of Frappe...
You can also just skip the ice cream part and drink directly from the bottle, only I know you're not that uncouth.
Yummm. It was so good for my hangover. Oh, and here's a tip: if you leave the wrapper on the sangwich and use the "shred" button on the blender - you save valuable time and add fiber to your diet.
Oh, your blender doesn't *have* a shred button? Sorry.
You are a brilliant man. And this is coming from someone Lulu refers to as a "mixologist without peer." It seems I've met my match.
Mmm. . .I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!
How decadent.
And why not? We're all gonna be partying together in Hell anyway...
That sounds delicious. Everyone else already made witty comments, so this is mine.
Wow, that sounds smashing. As a variation you might try one of the Godiva liquers in lieu of Bailey's.
Really? I'd think that even though you've pureed the cookie portion of the samitch, that there'd still be chunks. Tell me I'm wrong! ;)
mmmm. put a 151 rum float on top and flambe it for something even more exotic!
with 2 autistic children, I say fuck the glasses-- they'll get broke within a fortnight.
With two autistic children, I say fuck the blender AND the sammiches and just drink the fucking Baileys straight!!
But you're right-- it's fantastic that way.
I'm with Bubs - it needs more alcohol.
I actually heard a recipe with ice cream sandwiches in it this weekend! It sadly did not involve Bailey's, though, so therefore yours is far, far superior.
Don- I'll have to get one next time I'm in town.
Phil- Let me know how it turns out.
Val- I had no idea.
S.D.- Forgive me for overlooking an important safety tip, S.D. Thanks!
Dale- You give me too much credit. I'm quite uncouth.
AB- I'm gonna try the high-fiber variety next time.
CP- I wouldn't abdicate your throne just yet.
Catherinette- They're very nutritious.
Randy- I'll bring the dip.
Amy- You are witty by default.
laaw-yuhr- Ooo, that's a good idea. Thanks!
Boob Lady- It's the chunks that make it good!
Bubs- I love it! It keeps getting better.
B.O.- Baileys solo works, too.
GKL- You can always chase it with a beer if necessary.
Gizmo- Really? Tell me more.
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