This is the grade school I went to. It's also where famed blogger,
Grant Miller, went. It had a big blacktop area in the back where kids would gather before school and play. One of our favorite
pastimes was to bring in an old tennis ball and play catch for a little while until someone would yell "Roof it!" The person with the ball would then try to throw the ball up on the roof as some sort of juvenile sacrifice. It was a sign of strength to be able to throw it that high and earned the thrower a certain degree of respect.
We were morons.
Now kids just play with Game-Boys...
Who was the bigger nerd - you or Grant Miller?
We were across the street at Immaculate Conception, and we could have kick the crap out of you Hawthorne jerks!
Plus we had Jesus on our side.
We used to play "off the wall." Good times.
Gawd-dam, son!! How many times do you POST in one day?!
Did you ever get your balls ever make it to the top of the roof?
What, no one threw Grant up there?
I never played this game. I was too busy reading.
Cherry- Definitely me. Grant actually had girlfriends.
Frank- Yes, we all know how you felt about us "publics".
Val- Us too.
BO- In the suburbs, tennis balls are everywhere.
10,000- Not that often.
Flann- Which balls are we talking about?
GKL- We tried, believe me.
Grant- Way to back me up on this, pal.
Your tennis balls?
I went was from the 'bad side' of Elmhurst - we would just throw our cigarette butts on the roof of the school and dump our bong water on the teacher's cars
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