The entries have been trickling in. Frankly, I was hoping for more out of my artist chums out there (*cough*Frank, Phil, Geo, Dave), but hey, people are busy. I understand.
Here is one from

I like the devils on each shoulder.
Here is one from GKL:
LINK (Nice animation)
Here is one from Anon. (Bubbles):
LINK (She enlisted the help of her children!)
Here is on from Mixed Nut:
LINK (The "douchebag" on the forehead is a nice touch)
Here is one from
Jen @ Casual Slack:

Obviously shows a lot of work and attention to detail.
And this was sent to me from my pal, Don. It's a little off-topic, but funny nonetheless:
You didn't like
the version I sent you?
Jen- I never got it. Odd. Vikki said she tried to send one, too, but it bounced back.
do you have another email?
I sent it to
Jen- try
ok -sent it
I love Anon's version.
Frank, you're right. We're letting the terrorists win!! Oh, and each time you bearclaw, God kills a kitten. We must openly deplore these things in the Marketplace of Ideas. I'm seriously thinking of asking Congress to repeal the 1st Ammendment-- clearly all it does it let a lot of cranky folks spew nastiness and is bad for this country.
Damn, the Hitler pic is the BOMB!
Word, Slinger!
Jen really knows how to call them.
I worry myself sometimes.
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