Is give peas a chance!
OK, that was a lame lead-in to this post. If you are a fan of John Lennon (he's was a musician of some note), you may be interested in the documentary "The U.S. Vs. John Lennon". I don't know that there is too much new information that's revealed, but it has a lot of music and Noam Chomsky is in it. Lennon fans won't be disappointed.
I saw that too. The parallels between the people in power then and today were endless.
How come there are no legal consequences when our government harasses a person?
How come we never seem to learn?
Visualize whirled Peas!
That's what I thought, not a lot of new info but I still enjoyed it.
I really liked this one a lot, too. Randy's right, you really can't stop thinking about how much 43 resembles Tricky Dick.
I love peas!
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