Every once in a while, for whatever reason, I'm required to write something in cursive. I can barely do it. When I finish it looks like some little kid was practicing or worse.
Do you guys write in cursive? Do they still teach this shit in school? Do I need a refresher course?
my cursive is horrible! I print most stuff unless I have to sign my name, which sometimes looks like chicken scratch.
Over the years in my various high tech jobs, I have had to work in forms so much I have lost the ability to write cursive at all.
The only thing I can do is sign my name, that's it!
I haven't used cursive since they made me do it in school. I can barely even do it now. Even my "chicken scratch" signature is a mix of printing & cursive.
Very good point. The only time I write in cursive is when I write a letter as "Santa" to my kids. My cursive is very girly.
And my signature that I use to sign checks and shit - it basically just looks like "G---- M-----.
When I was in third grade the teacher told my mother that I would never be able to write in cursive and to buy me a typewiter. (I have a fine moter problem, and drawing and other activities like that are not only difficult, but actually painful.) I can print really really quicky though, as fast as most people can write.
I write in a mutated version of cursive and print, but yes, they still teach it! My mother is actually and Elementary School teacher and has letter perfect cursive... which is really annoying for those of us who do not.
I write in cursive all the time. It's difficult for me to write in long hand for long periods of time.
Yes, they still teach cursive. My third grader worked on it all year. They have also changed printing in some school districts to 'DeNealon', which mimics cursive so that the 'transition' is theoretically easier.
I lived in Brazil when we started the letter A in cursive. By the time I got to a US school they were working on Z or done.... I taught myself using those green cards over the board.
Worked fine. My cursive is very pretty. I prefer to type.... goes faster..... too... many.... words.....
My cursive is very nice. Neener neener neener.
They definitely still teach it, although I kind of wonder why since my kids are starting to do everything on the computer... what's the point?
I've written in all caps block letters for the past 25 years. At least. Cursive, shmursive, is what I say.
I've hated cursive ever since getting smacked with a ruler in Catholic school. I never use it.
No cursive for me either ... my signature is major chicken scratch. Not even a D or an S are discernible.
I work in a bakery and the only cursive I can do is Happy Birthday. The other day a mom wanted Happy Birthday Jazzy on a cake and I couldn't remember how to do a small cursive Z. Jazzy showed me how. She is 12 by the way.
I felt like such a boob.
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