If, in fact, we have his whereabouts pinned to a region in Pakistan, do they expect me to believe that with all our suveillance capabilities and technological superiority we still cannot find this guy after six years? It seems hard to believe.
I know all about the fact that the Pakistani government is reluctant to stick it's neck out in the volatile region in which he's supposed to be hiding and help us. But if that's the case - if we know he's in Pakistan - then would the logic that Dubya used for Iraq apply to Pakistan? Is Osama more or less evil that Saddam? We invaded a sovereign nation to take him out. Why not here? Because Pakistan has nukes? I'm way oversimplifying the situation, but I just can't accept that we can't find him despite all our "searching".
I'm starting to believe that Osama is just some sort of CGI concoction perpetrated by William Kristol and Richard Perle.
::sigh:: there you go using logic again. I warned you about that...
"Searching". Yeah. Right. He is hiding next to Jimmy Hoffa's skeleton.
Oh sure we're searching. Just like we are looking for all these deadbeat dads. We print their photo on pizza boxes. How long did it take us to find the unibomber? How long did it take us to find an exit strategy for the Korean war? Oh wait. We are still there.
Binny is in some hut with his multiple wives, smokin' hash, and havin' his "bellrope" pulled twice a day while the kids keep an eye out the window all the time.
We will find him when we find an honest politician, a really good $10 steak, a gallon of gas for $1.00, and a whore with a heart of gold.
wow...I am impressed with Doc's wordz of wizdom there. Couldn't have said it better myself, probably wouldn't have.
I'm a whore with a heart of gold. But anyway. The administration doesn't want to find Osama because they were in collusion with him to let 9/11 happen - so that the Bushies could gain carte blanche to do whatever the hell they want. That is my theory, and I certainly would not put it past those people.
I am also a whore with a heart of gold, so I do not know how people got the impression that we do not exist. We are everywhere, dude.
Although Pakistan pays lip service to helping us find Osama, there would be hell to pay from their own citizens and from many other Arab countries if they actually did anything to substantially assist us. Likewise, if we took action without their assistance, it would be us paying hell to Arab countries, and in the end, that means more to us than capturing the mass murderer of 3000 Americans.
I'm a whore, but in a manly, good sort of way... kinda...
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