Hear me out on this one...
Most of you are familiar with my loathe/hate relationship with Fux News. I think it'd be tough for anyone to support the notion, at this point, that Fox News is "fair and balanced". If you don't believe me, spend some time browsing
Media Matters for any number of examples to the contrary.
Before I go on, let me just state that I don't have much faith in any of the other corporate media outlets. I think you will find examples of bias in both directions and that the search for the truth loses out in many cases to the need to appear "balanced". However, in the case of Fox, the sins are so egregious and blatant that action is warranted.
What I propose is a mass refusal by all liberals, democrats, progressives, or even republicans that "get it", to appear on air on Fox News. I'm not talking about boycotting
watching Fox. I mean for people to stop going on their shows and answering their questions. Before you say it would never work, think about it:
- I don't think it would be too hard to illustrate to any left-leaning person that still thinks Fox is legitimate that it is, in fact, not. I think the people Fox refers to as the "far left" or "radical left" (or my group, the "loony left") are aware already and would support this.
- The smaller the group of liberal voices available to Fox News, the further they become isolated and the easier it will be to write them off. Currently they lead in ratings for the cable news stations. This has to change.
- Politicians from the left that continue to appear on Fox will eventually look like traitors and sell-outs. By appearing, they do nothing but feed the beast. Just think of how classic it would be to see a press conference where Dems say "I'm sorry, I don't take questions from Fox News."
You see, it's not about right or left. Well, it is, but it's more about responsible journalism. Fox News isn't responsible - not even close. Why would anyone continue to patronize a media outlet that operates in such a way? You might say "Well, these politicians want publicity any way they can get it." Really? They want to go on a show that, five minutes after they're off, will distort what they said and make fun of it? Seems dumb to me, but I'm not a politician. Plus, there are plenty of other places to have your voice heard these days besides Fox News.
It seems to me that the "starve the beast" strategy is the easiest and most effective way to neutralize Fox. Next you say, "Well, yeah, but without democrats on Fox, there won't be anyone to call them on their bullshit." My response would be "Fine by me." If all they ever had on were republicans, then they would quickly become obsolete and could be treated as such.