- The Dawning Of A New Day... (The one that started it all.)
- Hollywood Laziness... (I am a sick fuck.)
- Ever Notice... (I thought this was clever, but I doubt anyone else did.)
- Media Bitchlick, Numero Uno... (A fan favorite.)
- A Clerk's Moment... (I get a lot of hits for this one because OKGO is big now.)
- The Post Where I Lose A Bunch Of Friends... (I thought I made a compelling case.)
- Four Word Review... (I like the short posts the best.)
- A Perfect Day In The Future, Part One... (The ladies love this one.)
- Trying To Be An Informed Consumer... (Random craziness.)
- A Christmas-Flavored Tag... (Every Greatest Hits has to have a Christmas tune.)
I had forgotten what a genius you are. Thanks for jogging my memory.
My favorite was the post about the Twenty Questions electronic device. How could you leave that out of your highlights?
It really is the evolution of Some Guy. Although, I think your interview of yours truly was some of your best work.
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