Mr. Dorko is a research chemist in the Analytical Chemistry Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He is the National Coordinator of the NIST Traceable Reference Material Program for Gas Standards.
His was the first picture to pop up during an image search for "dorko".
Poor guy. I wonder if he's any relation to Craig Dorko:
I've worked with NISTies. They're all dorks. In fact, I don't know how they tell each other apart.
Speaking of telling each other apart, these guys do look alike.
Today, Feb. 9th, is my daughter (Marni over at its-a-pugs-life) 40th birthday. Go to my blog site and listen to the song in her honor. Thank you for this commercial break.
Oh my god, they so look like their name.
When someone points a camera at you: A) close your mouth and B) smile. It's NOT that goddamned hard, people...
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