I'll bet you all thought that you would go your entire lives without seeing
Cowboys quarterback, Tony Romo, and
"Saved By The Bell's" Principal Richard Belding (AKA Dennis Haskins) performing a duet of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing". Well, think again! Check THIS out! As an added bonus, you get to hear Mr. Belding tell someone to "Shut the fuck up" AND sing part of the SBTB theme song. Happy Friday, everyone!

that's gotta make you proud, Chris.
and will "saved by the bell" ever be the same?
I would have watched more if Mr. Belding told people to shut the fuck up...
Mr Belding's kind of let himself go since he retired from the school, huh? Just sitting around all day waiting for his pension check, watching daytime tv...
How cool is the internets? You can see a metal cover band, a former sitcom "star" and an up n coming NFL QB rockin out together!
Too bad there were no strippers in the video.
the newest members of Gnarls Barkley...and they didn't need a reality show to find them.
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