
McDonald's Glassware...

Growing up, the bulk of the glassware at our house consisted of McDonald's collectible glassware. I don't know if my parent's were just frugal or if they admired the inspiring animation and bright colors. It probably had more to do with my brother and sister and I bugging the shit out of them until they got them for us. I can remember having these pictured above from "The Great Muppet Caper". We also had some with the different McDonald's characters - Ronald, Grimace, etc. Then there were some with the Peanuts characters at summer camp. They would break from time to time and need to be replaced by another series, like The Empire Strikes Back. There was one that had a Smurf on it, too, but I think it came from a Hardee's we stopped at on the way back from the Wisconsin Dells..


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Why don't they make these anymore? I'd much prefer my children break something like this rather than my good glasses.

K.I.D. said...

My house used to be full of E.T. glasses from Pizza Hut! My aunt worked there, so we were totally set up.

And did you ever get glassware from gas stations? My parents did. Why don't gas stations sell promotional glassware anymore?

Anonymous said...

I totally had the Empire Strikes Back ones.

And, we had ones from the 1984 Summer Olympics, too.

I think we had other Muppet ones, maybe from the first movie.

I remember Bugs Bunny Welches jelly jars were good to keep as glasses, too.

gennifer6 said...

Oh my gosh! I completely forgot about these until I read your post. I had the Muppets and I remember Garfield, too, but I don't know if those were through a fast-food chain or otherwise. Nice...

Phil said...

We had a ton of those things. The motherload was Doug Karo's kitchen.

I gotta think they aren't sold anymore because of the cost. It's all cheap, plastic toys now.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Does anyone but me remember the glassware you could get in a box of Breeze detergent? Sometimes they put towels in the box, too. They would advertise on the Buck Owens show, and Dolly Parton used to do the commercials. She would say "There's one inside every box of Breee-eee-eeeeze detergent!"

God I'm old.

Cup said...

I still use my Pepe Le Pew and Petunia Pig glasses (from Hardee's, I believe).

Bronwyn said...

OMG, I totally had those glasses as a kid. And last month, I went to Value Village (like good will) and found the old glasses like that with the Disney cartoons on them. I love it!!

bubbles said...

There are two glasses in my kitchen that WON'T die. They are both from McD. A small clear Batman mug and a Typhoon Lagoon glass. When we moved I tried to get rid of them, but my kids had a fit.

Then there are the Coca Cola glasses.... the promo was a free one with a Coke float. I had a Diet Coke float (embarassed just typing that) every day for 8-10 days. They don't break, either!

GETkristiLOVE said...

I remember bugging my mom for these... then I remember hating it when other fast food chains started to copy the idea.