I'm really in the mood to do a thoughtful post. You know, one of those posts that tackles a compelling, if not controversial, topic. Something nice and long - meaty, if you will. I could find an appropriate picture for it and come up with an eye-catching title - one that just dares you to read it. In the body of the post, I'd start out with a provocative opening statement and follow it up with clever supporting points. They might be in the form of analogies, references to other articles available on the internets, or amusing anecdotes that draw on my own personal experiences. I'd cap it off with an excellent closer - something that wraps everything up with a neat little bow. Then I would invite others to share their own feelings on the matter. In the comments section, I would wait for people to disagree with me and then, ever so tactfully, tell them how they don't know their ass from apple butter.
Now I just need a topic.
Anyone want to hear how I feel about a particular pressing issue of the day?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
This post seems naughty for reasons I can't quite put my finger on.
I'd like to hear your thoughts about this:
Yeah, I got excited at first when you started talking about "nice and long and meaty" but then you just went in another direction.
Mom, this apple butter smells funny.
Got me. I don't have deep thoughts.
Yeah-- I want to know why, in addition to rubber tubing, plastic bags, pepper spray and a pellet gun, disgraced astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak had 6 jars of apple butter in her possession when she was picked up by the cops, and what you had to do with this?
We're waiting......
I have a question. What do you think of an astronaut driving 900 miles in a diaper? I know she had to stop for gas along the way, didn’t she? And then not shoot her intended victim? And if she did… a bb gun? I bet she would have been a hoot with a couple of beers under her belt. And apple butter is good on rasin toast.
Apple butter is yummy!
Why do I feel like the naked emperor after reading this post?
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