My loyal readers know me as a connoisseur when it comes to frozen pizza. Well, last night I made what may go down as THE most perfect frozen pizza I've ever made. The cheese was brown around the edges (I buy plain cheese Jack's) and bubbly in the middle. The crust was crisp, but in no way burnt, and still retained some of it's chewiness. If I was in 4-H, this fucker would've won the blue fucking ribbon at the county fair, let me tell you.
I know what you're thinking: "Is this post funny?"
No, it's not.
Frozen pizza is serious damn business, dammit!
I thought I would add a non-funny comment to your non-funny post.
Where's the video footage? I want proof.
Some men seek truth, others seek justice. You seek the perfectly cooked frozen pizza. There is a subtle nobility to your work, Chris. Be proud...
frozen pizza, YUCK!
Jack does make a good pie!
Frozen pizza IS serious business indeed. I am a big fan of DiGornio's (sp).
But sometimes ya just gotta have Ginos Pizza Rolls. I think "Gino" is actually Satan for making something that tastes so good yet is so bad for you.
I can't believe I've never seen Kraft Jack's. I'm jealous. And a little sad.
The Jack's is good, but believe it or not, Jewels pizzas are really good, and Aldi's frozen pizzas are excellent and cost $1.99.
As with mimes, nobody likes a funny pizza. I'll have mine extra sexy please.
I've never seen that brand.
I usually opt for Tombstone or Tony's, if I'm feeling more "gourmet" I might go for Digorno.
I like to get pepperoni, and sometimes I eat the frozen pepperoni and arrange what's left in a smiley face. Then I cut through the smiley face.
Dude, that pizza is made by KRAFT! Do you have any idea what that shit's doing to your karma?! You might as well eat a baby. Jesus.
really? it was that good? I've always cast a jaundiced eye at that stuff before.
A friend of mine swears by Home Run Inn, but I think they are a tad expensive.
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