In preparing for one of today's brilliant posts in which I lament the fact that the golden age of television is over and that we may never see a show like
"Manimal" again, I had to do an image search to give some visual "punch" to my assertion. The cool thing about doing an image search (I usually use Google or Yahoo) is that you never know what sorts of crazy shit will pop up. Like this, for example:
are you off the meds?
MJ looks bad no matter what he's wearing. When I saw Manimal, until the pic came up, I was thinking of that Patrick Duffy show "The Man From Atlantis". Although it doesn't matter, both were extremely awful.
Give's you an idea of what a baby looks like just before it's born.
WAS "manimal" that awful? I liked the idea behind the show but I don't remember any episodes. He could morph into... what? A hawk, a wolf and something else, right??
Manimal image search and NO pics of Donald Trumps hair???
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