C.H.O.P.S is the powerful new program developed by Christian Youth expert Donnie Davies. C.H.O.P.S stands for CHANGING HOMOSEXUALS into ORDINARY PEOPLE.He goes on to say that if you follow him, together you can "C.H.O.P.S. away the gay." That's the sort of cleverness I've come to expect from fundamentalist Christians. I mean, check out the ingenius logo. The top represents the redeemed homosexual, complete with halo (and rippling biceps, I might add). The bottom (where the naughty bits happen to be) represents the evil sinner, complete with devil's tail.
If you have been having feelings that you DO NOT want to have towards people of the same sex as you, then this is the program for you.
If you've been acting on those same feelings, then this is DEFINATELY (sic) the program you've been looking for.
I don't know about you, but this seems like a very generous offer. You gay people have NO IDEA how wonderful it is to be ordinary (for more proof, watch the movie "Ordinary People". It will illustrate my point quite well.) You are TOTALLY missing out! So come on! Discover the joys of ordinary-ness! While you're visiting Donnie's site, check out his list of music that might turn you gay. Some artists include:
- Cole Porter
- The Doors
- Metallica
- The Rolling Stones
- Ted Nugent (huh?)
- Frank Sinatra.
I fucking give up.
**Disclaimer: For those unaware of my sarcastic streak, the preceding post should be read with tongue planted firmly in cheek.
Well, d'uh, of course listening to Queen will make you gay, but Wilco? really?
I say we flood his e-mail with more bands that "tend gay". He must just take people's words for it, because that list has grown just in the past few days since I first saw it.
What does the asterisk next to Boy George mean? Perhaps that he is SUPER gay?
I'm with Chris: inundate this guy with e-mail, people!
Does this go for lesbians, too? I won’t join CHOPS because I like being a lesbian. My wife likes me being a lesbian. Most of the women I have ever dated liked me being a lesbian. I refuse to give it up. The only think I don’t like about being a dedicated lesbian is all the hair balls I have to cough up. That is annoying.
Reminds me of this indie movie "But I'm a Cheerleader", where these kids have to go to a place called True Directions to turn them straight. It's a funny movie.
That list is hilarious, given that Frank Sinatra's music has been helping straight men get laid for about the past 60 years.
What...no Streisand?!
you know, that logo of the bicept boy kinda' makes me horny... Are there going to be lots of other cute boys in the class, too? Maybe we could all sign up and cruise each other??
Will listening to Clay Aiken make me gay?
It's funny, my best friend Jim, who is gay, and I had the "when you knew" discussion years ago. He said he knew by the time he was like 10. I knew I was straight when I spent my whole Kindergarten year stalking a doe-eyed brunette named Rebecca, who didn't know I existed.
Well if C.H.O.P.S. stands for Changing Homosexuals into Ordinary People, what about the 'S' at the end. What does that stand for?? And what about the 'I'??
The logo is so Village People by the way.
Plus what the hell is that tail growing out of?
Tongue in cheek? I've got another idea for something you can put in there.
Chris, who does not have internet access at home and can therefore not relay this message, wants you to know that you cannot fully appreciate the craziness that is Donnie without watching the video. So go back and click on the video link! (please)
I like how Elton John is listed as "really gay" but Morrisey os only "questionable"
It's been about two weeks since I sent my tongue in cheek reply to this guy... I'm kinda pissed he didn't write back. I mean... jesus would have written back.
So if you listen to nothing BUT Elton John will you turn gay faster? How exactly does this work?
So I finally clicked on the video link. I love the wordage underneath. Especially:
"Donnie clearly believes that "God Hates Fags" but he is also careful to mention that God hates everybody else too."
OMG, Donnie is so into gay BDSM. This self-hating thing is just one of his kinks. Trust me, I know what I speak of.
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