Is it because I haven't done enough posts about Borscht or Matryoshka Dolls? If so, I apologize. I'll try to do better.
Is it because my president refers to your leader as "Pootie-poot"? What can I say? He's a jackass.
Maybe it's because Yakov Smirnoff chose Branson, Missouri over the bright lights of Moscow. Hey, I understand. I'd be bitter, too.
The most likely explanation is that you're too busy watching reruns of "Worker & Parasite".
Whatever the reason, I hope you stop by. I promise, no bread lines!
If Ronald Reagan taught us anything, it's that the Russians still use Commodore 64 computers, and don't have access to phone lines to run their external modems.
In Russia, you don't read reads you!
Alright, I was going to say something snarky about Russia getting the better end of the Yakov deal, but now I'm laughing too hard at Flannery's comment.
Anyone in Russia with a computer is too busy tracking down or selling off old nukes to worry about reading your blog...
Frank- I thought they used Timex Sinclairs.
Flann- A girl after my own heart!
Vikki- So was I.
Genn6- Well, they need to MAKE time, dammit! Maybe a little time in the gulag will straighten 'em out!
I have the same problem on my blog, Chris.
I also wonder whats up with the Middle East and most of Africa.
Does anyone out there really think Yakov Smirnoff was funny?? I didn't. At ALL.
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