To all of you: Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, Kwanzaa, and whatever the hell you cranky-pants Atheists celebrate. I hope this arbitrary holiday called New Years marks the beginning of new and better things for each of you. I've enjoyed getting to know you this past year and look forward to more laughs in 2007!
In closing, please use the comments section of this post as an open forum while I'm away. Talk about whatever you like. Make a mess. Run around naked. You have the reigns. I'll be interested to see what's here when I get back...
Cheers Chris. Have a good time.
Have a good time, Chris. Wish I could be there on the 29th. Have a beer for me.
Happy Holidays Chris.
Hope you have a great time in Chi-town.
Don't worry, we won't trash the place too bad. *snicker*
*flashes Boob Lady* Whoo-hoo!
dude, I'm ALWAYS naked when I comment!!
So the 29th is still on at Club Lago? I will post something on The Official Site Of Grant Miller on Friday. Even though you won't be updating, I hope you can still enjoy The Official Site Of Grant Miller.
Snappy holidays!! Enjoy your Chiblogo get together!!
"Okay...vacation's over, get back to fuckin' work"
Hey everyone! I busted the lock on the liquer cabinet!
Whoo-hoo! ::shoots guns in the air::
Flann, yew RAWK! I'm glad someone is taking charge 'round here!
Set me up with a snakebite. Meanwhile, where's the head? I gotta take a leak.
Have fun Chris
& Merry Xmas
you will be missed!
Cranky-pants athiests rule!
but seriously... Thank you, Chris, for making 2006 a little more bearable.
never mind, I whizzed in the sink.
ya know, I wuz just sittin here nekkid in a beanbag chair eatin' cheetos when it suddenly hit me: when a person says "I don't really give a rat's ass" what DOES that mean?
I mean, did you have a whole STOCK of rats asses lying around that you were fond of and don't want to part with? What part OF the rat are we talking about? the anal sphincter or the hindquarters??
I would say, the sphincter and the haunches would do it.
For my new years resolution, I'm giving up genocide.
leaving out the tail?
Hey! Who drank all the Cuervo?
No, I would include the tail; it's attached to the haunches.
...and the rat hair.
and if you're NOT giving a rats ass, does that mean they're precious cuz' you're hanging on to all o' yours?
I think I'm going to give up stalking blonde celebs until they go to bed with me.
Chris, you're out of cat food.
Does Assman like Beef-a-rino?
I never knew how much smaller The Assman looks with all his fur shaved off.....
Oh my god! The Assman has a tattoo of Bast! Awesome.
Hey! Who dropped their butt in my drink? (cigarette butt, that is)
By the way, Chris, I had nothing to do with your curtains catching on fire.
Anyone up for cutting down that fugly, dead pine tree?
*Jiggles Boobs and Juggles Beer Bottles*
Assman looks great with pink skin!!
A outdoorsy dood like C should have an axe 'round here somewhere...
::oogles Boob Lady's Rack:: Whooo-whee...
::takes pinched bottle of Jose out of pocket and takes heavy pull::
AWLRIGHT! Lets get on with that tree!!
I looked in Chris' closet for an axe and all I found was twenty years worth of back issues of Ladies Home Journal.
Hey, these magazines have OTHER pictures glued in between!!
My, oh, my, are these INNNTERESTING pictures, too!!
Hey! How did he get pictures of my Mom?!?
I need a drink; what else is in the liquer cabinet?
I found the axe!
You'll never believe where I found it. I mean, who keeps their axe in the fridge?
GAWD! I'm usually late to these things. I'm sure it was fun... but this place is already soooo trashed! The floor is soaked with beer... I think those used to be curtains. I think that used to be a chair. Is THAT supposed to be a CAT?
The boob lady's letting it all hang out, which everyone seems to be pretty happy about... but Big Orange, PLEASE put something on.
Damn, it's cold in here.
Hey look what I found, we can use these fish as firewood.
And what's wrong with Zildjian, Randy?
Don't worry, Amy, Big Orange brought his rug scrubber and I brought him a robe.
HEY, Chris SAID we could go 'round starkers!! I'm just following directions!! Sheesh!
You're right, Big Orange... and it's Christmas, so whatever makes you happy.
Now, throw some more of those fish on the fire... ;)
Hey Mixed Nut-
Paiste cymbals have a musical, chime-like quality to them that other cymbals just don't. Not even your Zildjians sound as clean.
WHAZZAT?!? WHAT? CHRIS EATS PASTE?!? Huh. THAT goes w/o saying.
Jezus, it's getting cold in here... Who broke the front window?!?
Awwwwwwwww, you're gonna get it now!
Chris is always saying "Don't play ball in the house".
Since Chris lives in Michigan and said it was OK to hijack his blog......
Why all the fuss over how great Gerald Ford was? Yes, I was sorta young to remember anything about him, but the thing he's most famous for was giving Nixon a pardon. What a legacy!
And why wasn't he good enough to keep the name he was born with? (Leslie Lynch King, Jr.).
He pardoned Nixon?!? Sheesh...all I can remember about him was all that falling...
Thanks SNL.
notice how much airtime REGAN got-- weeks and weeks-- and Ford gets... what??
Meanwhile, where's some cardboard or plywood to put over that hole in the window? Oooh, I know, what about cutting this table down to size? Flann, where'd yew put the axe?
I thought we could play ball in the house as long as we played Monkey Ball.
Too bad Chris spent so much time sealing those windows...
Why don't we cover that window with this robe I brought for Big Orange? There's got to be a staple gun around here somewhere. Besides, we're going to have to use that table for firewood. We'll be running out of carved fish pretty soon...
I wasn't wearing the robe anyhow. What about glue? Is there any glue? We could whip up some mashed 'taters and use THAT in a pinch... thats what I did in college.
"Besides, we're going to have to use that table for firewood. We'll be running out of carved fish pretty soon... "
Good one, Flannery. I hate myself for not thinking of that.
Well, Randy, that means my job here is done.
ya ain't LEAVIN', is ya, Flann? Who's gonna drive me home?
I don't like to be the last one to leave the party. Doc can drive you home after you guys have breakfast and once Chris stops crying. I'll chop down that tree on my way out.
Don't bother getting up. If I need help, I'm sure I'll find some. You can't swing a dead cat around these parts without hitting a lumberjack.
Hasta la vista, bitches!
sorry I'm late, I didn't know you guys were all gonna be hanging out here...
Dude, what did you guys do to the curtains?...Chris is gonna be so pissed.
The pine tree is down! We have firewood. Only, you'll have to get it by way of the attic; It fell through the roof.
By the way, does anyone have a twenty and a Pabst to pay the lumbjack with? Nevermind. I found Chris' change jar. No new iTunes for him for a while...I'll just leave my new Clay Aiken CD to hold him over.
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