I remember when I started this blog, it was a challenge getting people to notice it. If you have a new blog and want to attract an audience, I have a sure-fire way to do it. Title one of your posts
"Nipples" and people will flock to you. Since my recent Jennifer Aniston post, you would not believe the increase in traffic I've had and how many people found me as a result of doing a nipple search on Google. For some reason, searches for
"Twizzlers" also bring me a lot of hits as well.
That, up there, was me.
men really do think about sex, OR nipples, 24/7, don't they?
I get a lot of searces for "dirty nickers"...apparently they are something that everyone wants to smell...via the web...who'd have guessed it?
you should make a point to have one "nipple" post everyday.....you're right, you'll get some solid traffic
Teri- No, we actually spend most of our time thinking about compound miter saws and BBQ sauce.
Dirty- You could start taking pictures of your laundry, pre-washing. It could be your "hook".
Erik- Nipples Of The Day. I like it. I could make people guess whose they are.
I got a lot of traffic with an "anal sex" post. I also get lots of people looking for "Lulu porn"
All my google people come via "lacy bra." Or "maladaptive diffusion." Take your pick.
dude, I'm totally doing this!! thanks for the tip!!
See, I can relate to nipples. Not only do I sport a mean set, I see 'em all day!
Oddly enough, I get hits for "maladaptive diffusion" too, because Megan mentioned the term once in my comment section.
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