The first crush I can remember lasted basically from kindergarten through fifth grade. She was easily the prettiest, most popular girl in school. She was from a wealthy family and always came back from Christmas and Spring breaks with a savage tan. Despite this, she was really cool and not stuck up at all. The one thing I had going for me was the ability to make her laugh. Unfortunately, I was a shrimp and felt insecure about it. I never worked up the nerve to act on my feelings. She ended up marrying a local politician.
In Junior High, I had a thing for this really cute girl who was one of the few that was actually shorter than me. We used to have a Friday night ballroom dance class that everyone's parents forced them to take and I'd always ask her to dance (the girls had to say yes, thank god). She was also part of the popular crowd, so I would've been a step down for her. I eventually gave up, fearing ridicule if I actually told her I liked her.
In high school I had a bunch of crushes. Most of them either had boyfriends already or were way out of my league. As a result of all this, I was a basket case going into college when it came to women. I still am, to an extent, but I did grow (finally) and I feel a certain level of confidence. As I've explained in other posts, I still have some issues when it comes to approaching women. Sorry to bum everyone out on a Monday, but sometimes the truth hurts.
OK, so I tag my boys Frank (although he may have done this one), Geo, and Phil (who hasn't posted shit in a while). Go to it, fellas!
According to your MySpace profile, you're 5'10". Did you get a growth spurt since school, or are you "enhancing" a bit?
That's OK, Chris. I'm 5'5".
Chris, you're supposed to say the names of your crushes (at least the first names). When I have time, I'll sit down and guess who you are talking about...
Oh, my...that picture! Hilarious.
Randy- I'm actually 5-9-1/2 without shoes, but I figure I'm allowed to round up. I started growing around senior year of high school.
Val- The grade school one was Regan. The jr. high one was Beth H. I'm sure there were more I can't remember.
Flan- Now is THAT a crush or what!?
I had a girl-crush on Regan in High School. I remember she never wore the same outfit twice. She was the closest thing to a supermodel to me. And yes, she had a great personality too, not a stuck up snob.
I am refusing, on bloc, to read this shit. Too painful. what else U got for us?
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