Slinger is a Chicago Bears fan and can't stand bad drivers that bitch about how bad other drivers are. I concur.
Gizmorox has a blog I've been checking out recently. She seems to share a bunch of mutual blog-pals. She likes OKGO and she already added me to her list. Thanks!
Johnny Yen is another Chicagoan (and I believe an Elmhurstian), a teacher, and a fan of Phil Ochs. From what I can tell, he's a hell of a storyteller and has a great retirement planned.
I Dig Hootch And Cootch is a Canuck and has a sick, twisted mind that I can appreciate. He's a hell of an animator to boot. Warning, this blog is not for the faint of heart.
My apologies if I've forgotten anyone. As always, the links will be added in non-alphabetical order. Sorry, OCDers!
WOO HOO! Thanks for the addition Chris!
Yay! Meteoric success! Heh. :)
I'm going to check 'em out. Thanks, Chris!
Thanks-- I'm flattered!
I'm actually not from Elmhurst-- I just have ended up for years ended up hanging with people from Elmhurst. A bunch of my friends from college are from there (my friend Garrett Johnson's mother was an assistant principal at one of the grade schools there). I grew up in Lagrange, Hodgkins, Chicago, Streamwood and Western Springs. I spent the most time in Chicago.
I love Hootch. Us crazy Canucks have to stick together. When CERTAIN Americans ruin Christmas, we have eachother's backs.
Slinger- Any time!
Gizmorox- Just watch. You'll have papparazzi following you in no time.
Zed- You're welcome!
Johnny- I know them well. Before I moved to MI, I worked for an architecture firm in downtown LaGrange.
Boob Lady- I'm never gonna live that down, am I?
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