Prepare yourselves for a blogging torrent! That's pretty much all I'm gonna do today. You poor dears must be starving! I sure hope I didn't loose any of my faithful readers. Before I start, I'd like to give a "shout out" (god, I hate that phrase) to a few fellow bloggers. First, another thanks to
Flannery Alden (and family) for their graciousness, french toast, and bacon. I'd also like to thank the most prolific blogger I know,
Anne Altman (and friends), for the many laughs and ABBA tunes. If you haven't checked her shit out, do it now. I want to offer apologies to
The Boob Lady for ruining her Christmas and to my Atlanta connection (sorry the dates didn't work out
Beth &
Marni!). Many thanks to
Frank, and
Echo for holding down the fort in my absence.
Shit, I know I'm forgetting someone important, but I can't think of who it is...
Great! Now I'm not going to get any work done...
It's Melissa. . .
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