This attitude does not compute with me. If I could, I would retire tomorrow. If I have the option financially to stop worrying about earning an income, I'll take it in a heartbeat. There are a million things I could find to do. I could sit around and carve fish all day, for one. I could dream up stupid blog ideas. I could read books I've wanted to read, see movies I've wanted to see, and watch all the episodes of "Saved By The Bell" consecutively, in order, from the days of Miss Bliss to the college years. I could teach myself how to play the trumpet. I could take walks in the woods, find pretty spots, and just sit. I could volunteer doing any number of things to help people out. There's no limit to the fun you could have.
Retirement, to me, doesn not mean you have to stop working. It just means you aren't obligated to work if you don't feel like it. That's the sort of freedom I want in life. Don't you? Or maybe you hate freedom...
Just out of curiosity, what would you guys do with your retirement?
I'm with you. If I didn't have to work for a living, I'd get my own public access or basic cable tv show. I'd take my kids to see the biggest ball of yarn and other nonsense. I'd join the Canton Women's Club and do community work while wearing a fussy hat.
I hate freedom.
And I hate YOU!
I would definitely alternate between road trips and puttering around my garden.
Obviously road trips rule. No argument from this crowd there.
And not to sound too corny, but I have an awesome garden. Not because it is perfect manicured, but because it is full of unexpected sculpture and crazy shit incorporated into the plantings. Like the brass headboard I found abandoned on a curb that I use as a trellis. And my "broken pottery" cactus garden mulch.
There was a barn-shaped dog house in my yard when I moved in, and I kept it and found a miniature windmill to put next to it, and an old cast iron toy tractor to put in the doorway, and put in plants around it that look like little tiny trees, etc. I know it's dopey, but it amuses me.
Chris, if you ever need to get rid of any weather-resistant carved fish, I promise them a good home in the CA sunshine.
Teri says: I would probably do the sames things, except carve fish. I LOVE freedom.
I would also like to travel, do more family genealogy research in specific states and read more.
Blogger won't let me log in.
I haven't even figured out what I want to be when I grow up... I can't start thinking about retirement yet.
It's like when people hit the lottery and continue to work at their jobs. HUH?
I would, like you, have a million and one things I could think of to keep myself busy.
What is this freedom of which you speak?
Sadly, I'm sorta in Amy's boat.
Flan- Don't forget the hours of Nickelodeon waiting for you!
Frank- I have never loved you more than at this moment.
Vikki- Although I'm not a gardener, I can see the allure of it. I'll get to work on the fish...
Teri- Thanks to a relative in Sweden that's into genealogy, I've been connected with a bunch of distant relatives. It's cool!
Amy & Randy- Even better! To go straight from youthful indecision directly to retirement would be a tremendous feat.
Mixednut- Exactly!!! I will never understand some idiot who works in some shitty factory that wants to keep doing it after winning enough to be secure for the rest of their life. It makes zero sense.
I'd spend the next seven or eight years with my kids, helping with homework and playing with them. And writing. Then I'd pack up Mrs. Yen, a bunch of good wine and my ibook into an Airstream and spend the rest of my life writing and going to wineries, museums and National Parks.
Oh, snap!
Johhny- Welcome! That sounds pretty fucking good to me!
What type of retirement are we talking about? Win the lottery or just not have to work and live comfortably?
Hmm... actually, my answer prolly ends up being "hang around and watch a bunch more TV" either way.
Two words: Banana Plantation
I'd move in with you, since you'd be rich and you could take care of me. You could be my J. Howard Marshall. (Just kidding Chris, you're not THAT old...) I'd write and bake all day. That's it. With breaks for porn downloading.
Oh, and Mikey was the best from Miss Bliss days..
We've done this, Retire Early that is, 16 years ago at the age of 38. Traveling the world, cooking, reading, sharing time with family are just a few of the things we have been doing. You can read more about us at www.RetireEarlyLifestyle.com
Good luck to all of you. It can be done.
Chris, I'm actually thinking of doing this, probably sometime in the new year. Only thinking at present. I'll need to plan out the finances.
Are you in a position to accept commissions for your fish?
Blogger won't let me in as myself.
Valerie says...
I look forward to reading, sleeping and lots of travel.
I sorta live the early retired life. The days fly by. I get ideas for my house or my garden or something great to cook and I get to it. I research, dream, learn, execute the ideas.
I have grown to hate commitments because they interfere with my ability to be spontaneous. I love how I get up in the morning and I can decide what I want to get done today.
I am happy and smile most of the time. I'm often told that I have a happy and pleasant disposition. There was a time that was not the case....
That reminds me. Before I 'retired' I worked three days a week on a big systems project for a major corporation. I had a boatload of responsiblity- but a limited schedule. I'll never forget how a full-timer got all mad at me once for smiling! Yes, she said, "Oh, it's easy for you to be all cheerful. You only bounce in here a few days a week...we *have* to be here every day." Funny, I'll bet my happy disposition and attitude got more done in three days than hers got done in five. Seriously.
Freedom is the way....
Geo- That would be a big part of my retirement as well.
Frank- Viva Costa Rica!
Boob Lady- Wait, women look at internet porn, too? Speaking of porn, I'll bet your boy Mikey is thriving in the adult film industry these days.
Billy- Welcome! I'll need some time to check out your site. It looks like you guys are having a ball! Thanks for the encouragement.
Sans- Tell us more! To answer your question, I've never sold my fish. They would cost WAY too much to make it worth my while. However, if you'd likeone, say the word. I can do pretty much any freshwater species.
Valerie- Simple. Concise. Sounds nice.
Anon- Great comment! I like to know people that have found contentment in life. I'm getting there...
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