This one comes courtesy of Marni. I am supposed to tell you five things you don't know about me. I'm not sure if that's possible since I've told you everything, but I'll give it a shot...
- I wanted to be a cowboy when I was in second grade. I used to draw pictures of horses and mountains and Ford 4x4s. I wore flannel before flannel was hip. I even wore a goddamn cowboy hat to school for a little while. It was black and had a feather band (it was actually kinda cool for a cowboy hat). I don't know what happened to that dream. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I lived in suburban Chicago - not exactly a haven for cowboys.
- I've never seen a Monty Python film. British humor just doesn't do it for me. I find them a bit too proper, even when they attempt vulgarity. Sorry. I know all my geek compatriots will be saddened and dismayed, but such is life.
- I've had to get stitches 5 different times. I have stitches on my left knee (fell on a rusted sewer grate), my left index finger (cut it open with a serated knife helping my sister with a school project), below my lower lip (tripped when I was little and hit it on the edge of a table), on the inside of my mouth behind my upper lip (a big bike accident), and on my back (had a big-ass mole removed).
- Dave Thomas, the now-dead founder of Wendy's, bought me lunch at a Wendy's in Grand Island, Nebraska. It was while I was on my big charity bike ride. He was making an appearance at a Wendy's, next to where we were staying. We told him about our ride and what it was for, so he popped for lunch for the entire team. This is before I gave up fast food completely because those fuckers are evil.
- When I am sitting at my desk at work I always have two rubber bands in my left hand. For some reason I like having things in my hands (Quit it with those dirty thoughts!) Like when I go to a restaurant, I always fiddle with the straw wrapper or self-adhesive paper napkin rings. When I'm in a bar, I ALWAYS have to peel the label off my beer bottle. When I was in Greece, I noticed a bunch of men playing with "Worry beads". I bought some and proceded to annoy the shit out of my travelling companions.
Thanks, I'll answer it. I was struggling to come up with something to write today. My dream shopping trip with Beck will have to wait.
I've seen enough Monty Python for the both of us. I can't watch it anymore; it's era is over.
That cowboy thing is cute!
I'm so #5..
I always fiddle with the straw wrapper and I ALWAYS have to peel the label off my beer bottle
I already did this one, actually. Shows how closely YOU read. But I suppose I can come up with five more things.
And I'm disturbed about the Monty Python. . .
Flan- What can I say? I was a cute kid.
Jen- Awesome! I always end up rolling the scraps through my fingers until I'm left with a million little balls. Bartenders hate me.
Megan- Oops! Well, look at it this way. I saved you from having to think up an original topic yourself. Aren't you grateful?
I'm also a beer label peeler. It's very satisfying when they come off easily with no paper left on the bottle. I hate it when they tear.
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