If you've read this blog for any amount of time, you know I'm a big fan of laughter. I require it on a daily basis. Sometimes people I know make me laugh. Sometimes I laugh because of comedians or other famous people. Sometimes I make myself laugh. Currently, no one can make me laugh as hard or as easily as my sister can. I talk with her on the phone maybe once a week. She has the ability to get me laughing so hard I can't breathe. Most of it is goofy shit from our childhood that no one else would find funny. She also does spot-on impressions of certain family members. I hope all of you have some source of uncontrolable laughter. It's really one of my favorite things in life.
And before any of you sick fucks say anything, no, I did not marry my sister...
My husband does an uncanny impersonation of my dad. It gets me rolling every time.
Damn, you know us too well.
weddings always make me either queasy or upset-- I've never found them funny (other than in that dark, everything-goes-to-hell-anyway sort of way). So, this was definitely NOT funny.
Try again.
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