
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...

Those of you who read this blog regularly know that I am a slave to pundit-based TV. It is a guilty pleasure that is heavy on guilt and light on pleasure. As such, I am very well versed in all the silly talking points. A very common one (used mainly by repubos) since the beginning of the Iraq War goes something like this:

(Insert host's name), What we need to be doing now is addressing the current situation. We can debate all day long the mistakes that were made in getting us into this war. That doesn't do us any good. The fact is we're in there now and where do we go from here. All this Monday morning quarterbacking gets us nowhere.

Um, bullshit.

This is among one of the most ridiculous concepts since the whole "peace with honor" nonsense. Tell me, what is the first thing a football team does Monday morning after a game, besides counting all their money?

They watch film of the game they just played so that they can figure out ways to improve. They study what went right and what went wrong. They do these things so that next time they don't make similar mistakes and improve their performance.

Someone please explain to me how this is bad practice when it comes to a war.

I'll wait...


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

A wise old observer once said something like this: If you don't study history you are doomed to repeat it.

So, by refusing to study this war and the mistakes that led to it, these "scholars" are inclined to repeat it. Which leads me to believe that these muthafucka's love war.

They are setting up a self-perpetuating behavioral pattern that guarantees we will have war forever and ever. So we can kill the poor and hand over juicy contracts to the rich.

...I'll be sitting over there on the grassy knoll if anyone needs me.

Anonymous said...

Did you just make some sort of football-politics analogy?! Taking a page out of George Allen's playbook, are you?

Frank Sirmarco said...

I find your use of logic baffling…thanks for undermining the entire war effort, Chris!

Anonymous said...

Obviously Chris, any media coverage of coalition troop suffering setbacks only helps the terrorists. By viewing it, even for our own future benefit, you embolden the terrorists.

Is that what you are trying to do Chris? Sure seems that way.


Bill O'Reilly.

Some Guy said...

Flan- I think I'll join you. I'll bring some beer, too.

Megan- He is my hero after all...

Frank- Mission accomplished!

Bill- So glad to have you on board, you liver-spotted waste of carbon! Do you know a good falafel restaurant? I could really go for one of those badboys right now...