
Maybe The Guys From "South Park" Were Right...

It could be that this is some sort of Scientology custom I'm not aware of. Again, I throw this out there for you to decide for yourself, not because I think it's wrong in any way. I wish people felt free to be who they really are.


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...


vikkitikkitavi said...

Everyone I know has a male friend who's been hit on by Travolta or female friend who got groped by our Governator.

Coaster Punchman said...

They were just doing that to titillate their wives.

Valerie said...

I have always thought/known he was gay. It's good to finally see some visual proof.

p.s. Hey Chris! I'm a blast from the past that occasionally reads your blog...it definitely amuses me. Hope you are well.

Some Guy said...

Hey Val-
Thanks for reading! Looks like you a staying busy!