
Another Fucking Movie Alert...

O.K. I have not seen this film, but I've read a lot about it. It's supposed to be very good. Unfortunately, it won't be playing anywhere near me, but I thought I'd give a head's up to those of you that can see it. The film was made by Kirby Dick and Eddie Schmidt, two guys who have made a few documentaries I've really liked, such as Twist Of Faith, Chain Camera, and Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist. This Film Is Not Yet Rated is an exposé of the secretive operation of the MPAA, the organization that determines what rating a movie gets. It addresses the discrepancies and inconsistencies between the rating of independent films and mainstream Hollwood fare. The filmmakers actually hired private investigators to find out who exactly sits on this board. Up until this point, the identities of the members had been secret. Considering the trememdous influence these people have over the marketability of films, is it right for there to be no accountability and no established criteria for why a movie is rated the way it is? This film intends to find out. HERE is a list of places the film will be playing.

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