
Turd Alert...

For the love of god, make it stop!

Fuck you, Cruise.
Fuck you, Stiller.
Fuck you, Hollywood.
Fuck you, ignorant people that will pay money to see THIS.

Can't you see that it's YOU they're laughing at?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I like Stiller, but I really can't fathom ever making an effort to see anything with Tom Cruise ever ever again.

RandyLuvsPaiste said...

I used to like Ben Stiller.

He now sucks.


It must feel horrible to have elderly parents who are way cooler and funnier than you are.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Remember when Stiller used to make fun of Cruise, in hi-larious sketches on the Ben Stiller Show?

My, how the awesome have fallen.

Unknown said...

I think it might be funny.

Anonymous said...

great scott. I'm speechless... at oooh so much: the content of the movie, the chosen actors, the absolute idiocy of the whole thing. This looks even more painful than that Jesus Camp movie you were talkin' 'bout.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Ben Stiller is dead to me now.

Melissa said...

There's a lot of anger on this page towards two people I'm pretty sure none of you know...

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

If I couldn't be irrationally angry at people I don't know personally, I would probably shrivel up and die. Or go out in a blaze of glory Dally style.

Some Guy said...

Amy- I'm with you.

Randy- Do you think he's even aware of this? I hope so, for his sake.

Vikki- I never watched his show, but I remember the stuff he did for MTV. Back when he could make me laugh.

Dave- Seriously?

B.O.- That would be tough, but entirely possible.

Jen- I feel your pain, believe me.

Flann- Me too.

Scarlet- Wow!

Melissa- Let me ask you this: Do you know George W.? Do you feel any anger towards him? Sure, these two guys may be beautiful people in real life. I just don't like that they can, because of who they are, throw any sort of shit up on a movie screen and know there are schmucks who will see it. When you look at how many movies actually end up having some sort of theatrical run each year, it becomes obvious that tons of better movies are getting squeezed to make room for crap like this. Sorry, but this sort of thing upsets me as a movie fan.

vikkitikkitavi said...

The Ben Stiller Show was on MTV. Probably thinking of the same thing.

Phil said...

Everyone take a breath. It's just a movie. There are crappy products in all areas of all industries, and this one will soon be forgoten.

If you don't like it, don't see it.

Some Guy said...

Phil- No offense, but the "holier-than-thou, you people are getting worked up about something when you shouldn't" shit is lame. In case you haven't noticed, I like to poke fun at stuff like this and, at times, express my disgust. I welcome others to do the same. Usually, I try not to be restrictive when it comes to comments people leave, but I'm making an exception. If this sort of post rubs you the wrong way, keep it to yourself or post something on your own blog. Thanks.

Phil said...

Please accept my apologies. I had no idea your disgust excluded contrary viewpoints, their expression and a discussion of the two.

Some Guy said...

Phil- Come on! Get off it. You've read my blog long enough to know that I don't shy away from contrary opinions and that this has been an open forum when it comes to plenty of serious topics. In fact, you were part of many of those discussions. This post (like many) was pure fluff and should be treated as such. I wasn't expecting this one to elicit much controversy, but apparently you thought differently. It's OK. Enjoy the film!

Phil said...

So I've done it again, given and taken offense.

Chris, would you indulge me in trying to figure out how I make this mistake so often?

Some Guy said...

Phil- Sure. Your comment comes off as condescending (intended or not)- as if we can't figure out that we don't have to see it if we don't want to. We don't need you to tell us this.

Telling us all to "take a deep breath" is also condescending (patronizing?) and implies that we ascribe a lot of importance to this matter. I, for one, don't. I saw the story. It pissed me off. I made a post about it. Simple as that.

Honestly, I'm not sure why your comment got to me like it did. It shouldn't have. I'm pretty mellow most of the time. Today, however, my truck is in the shop, I'm tired, and my cat is sick, so you can chalk some of it up to that.

Phil said...

Genuine apologies and thanks.

It was not my intent to condescend, and I appreciate your feedback.

I was also sorry to read about your cat. I have no doubt you are up to his new medical requirements, and the two of you have years together ahead of you.

Some Guy said...

Phil- No problem. It's really not that big a deal. I'm just extremely sensitive to condescension, maybe hyper-sensitive.

Thanks for the wishes regarding my cat.

Melissa said...

I guess I don't understand why these two actors, in particular, are pissing everyone off so much. I mean, Norbit looks like it's a piece of crap, but I don't see anyone raising hell about Eddie Murphy. I kind of agree with Phil - shitty movies are made all the time. Why is this one, specifically, so evil?

And I don't think comparing Tom Cruise and Ben Stiller to a man who authorized a war that has killed thousands of people is really very accurate.

Some Guy said...

Melissa- That's OK. You don't have to understand. It is not specifically these actors (although I do find Cruise to be pretty annoying), but a larger issue about Hollywood I tried to address in my comments to Phil. Had there been an article about a movie with Steve Martin and Jim Belushi (or Eddie Murphy), I might have posted about that.

Your comment said:
"There's a lot of anger on this page towards two people I'm pretty sure none of you know..."
I was only using George W. to show that it's possible to feel anger towards someone you don't know. Obviously my anger towards Dubya far exceeds any I have towards these two men. In the grand scheme of things, this post is meaningless. I'm sorry you and Phil had such a problem with it.

Melissa said...

I didn't have a problem with the post at all. It's hard to get across sentiments through this medium sometimes. My original comment was, seriously, just an observation. As in, "Wow. I had no idea people hated these guys so much. Who woulda thunk it?" Guess it didn't come off that way. Chalk it up to not being able to depict and decipher tone very well, I guess.

Scarlet said...

Melissa - Norbit DOES look like a piece of crap. BUT it is not ruining a fond memory of mine. Cruise and Stiller ARE with the film the Hardy Boys. (hence my venom)

i could spout on and on about how Spiderman 3 looks great and I expect it to be good BUT THE POST WAS ABOUT CRUISE/STILLER, so I vented as deemed appropriate by me. I admit I turned up the "poison" only a tiny tiny fraction, but that is my choice to make such a comment/posting. I wont see the film or make any effort to care.

Some posts sprout venom some posts sprout flowers. The Blog world has that effect.

Oh, Chris. great blog. I love it.

Some Guy said...

Melissa- Thanks for clarifying. I've noticed the same thing happening once in a while. It's hard to interpret things people say when you can't actually hear them say it. I'm glad we're all still friends!