
A Question For You...

All my life I have actively absorbed popular culture like a sponge with a strong work ethic. Television, movies, music, sports - you name it - I've taken notice of it. Much of it I've enjoyed. Even more of it has sucked ass. Either way, all of it can be considered popular culture. My question is this:

Is there such a thing as "unpopular culture" and, if so, what is it?


RandyLuvsPaiste said...

Unpopular culture is the stuff that sticks aroud that only dorky White folks really enjoy: Ballet, PBS, and Ween.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Don't forget polka!

Unknown said...

I would say: cannibalism and gay marriage are two examples of unpopular culture.

Cup said...

Paris Hilton?

Moderator said...

Unpopular culture is culture, I believe. You know, ballet, opera, poetry, The Official Site Of Grant Miller.

Megan said...

We use the term "popular culture" to distinguish it from folk culture. You know. . .rock n' roll McDonald's vs. an Amish barn raising. . .

gennifer6 said...

being a Michael Jackson fan, being a Rex Grossman fan, thinking the war in Iraq was a good idea....doesn't it have to be popular culture first for it to become unpopular???

The Boob Lady said...

I agree with Flan, it's polka for sure.

And bag piping.

Maybe the accordion.

But that goes hand in hand with the polka.