October 13th is a big day in my family. My brother, sister, and niece all share the same birthday. My brother and sister are twins. Last year, my sister gave birth to my niece, Nora, on her 30th birthday. I'm going down to Chicago this weekend to celebrate the first year of life of the cutest baby of all time. First stop, as usual, will be my friend's restaurant Friday night for some good Eye-talian food. Then, out to the 'burbs for some quality baby-time.
Since I have some readers that are mothers, any gift ideas? I was thinking about giving her a gross of bottle rockets. Kids love fireworks.
My younger son just celebrated his 2nd birthday. He got a bunch of toys and his favorite present was the wrapping paper. So just give her some wrapping paper.
Say "Hi" to everyone at Club Lago for me!
I think the fireworks will be a hit, go for it.
Dirty- My mom watched her for a weekend and said she is very into things that make noise. That is a win-win because I know how much my sister will appreciate anither LOUD toy.
Val- Will do! You should stop in sometime. I'm sure those guys would love to see you.
Teri- Welcome! I think you're right. One-year-olds know how to use matches, right?
The last time I was there was in 2003...much too long ago. I am hoping to go sometime over the Christmas holidays with a bunch of other York Dorks that I'm still in touch with.
Peek A Blocks are fun. They also have many accessories, which make noise.
Weebles have come a long way since the 70's and my kids always enjoyed them. I also recommend balls, the eternal toy.
She's adorable! Not as cute as my niece as one, but she's close. If you can't get bottle rockets, cymbals are always fun.
Board books with pictures of babies. Babies *love* other babies; they will look at board books for hours.
I bought a a book called the Big Board Book of Beautiful babies for one of my students when she had a baby last year. Evidently it is the little girls favorite book.
Plus, kids who are read to do better in school. It's win-win.
I say get her one of those books that has all of the "senses" and things to touch in them. There's furry things, sandpaper (It's not a rough grade), a mirror, things like that. Kids love that shit!
Have you seen the drum kits they make for kids nowadays?
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!
Mixed Nut: Welcome! My sister would love the drums I'm sure!
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