Now is about the time I usually start to grow my yearly winter beard. I've been doing it for the last 4 or 5 years. I started doing it in order to assimilate to the northern culture. You see, the first part of November is the beginning of firearm deer season. This is a huge deal around these parts. For certain schools, kids even get opening day off. It is common practice for hunters up here to grow their beards out in anticipation. While I am not a hunter, I figured this was one way I could join in their "reindeer games" (no pun intended). It's itchy as hell for the first month, but then I get used to it. I also like how it looks when I'm skiing on a snowy day and little icicles form on it. It makes me feel like an arctic explorer.
The big advantage is how much the ladies love it. Facial hair guarantees hot and cold-running chicks, believe me.
Funny thing...after reading this post and going about my day my husband was trimming his winter beard...he accidently took off too much right in the center of his mustache...
I fucking love facial hair, for the record. On men. Not so much on women.
It's starting to get really cold here too. It was like 65 degrees today. I'm thinking about closing the windows.
And I think you only posted this picture for the Atlanta bloggers fan club.
Why do I get the feeling that Megan is taunting us Northerners?
Dirty- The picture is deceptive. It is actually much darker than the top of my head.
Megan- I have to keep my fans happy. Of course I tried to choose the most flattering picture I could.
Lulu- She is.
Big Orange- I couldn't grow a decent beard until I was in my late twenties. Before that I tried and looked like a real jackass.
It looks nice, Chris, but is it really condusive to finding a girlfriend? I can't stand my boyfriend to have a beard, mostly because I'm pretty found of my epidermis, especially in the whole face ara.
Vikki- No it is NOT condusive, you're right, but since the ladies aren't exactly beating down my door, I figure what the hell. The truth is I'd shave it off in a second if I ever met a woman that didn't like it. It's not really something I'm strongly attached to.
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