I noticed I haven't had a political post in a while. For those of you who come here for my political rants, I'm sorry. I don't have it in me. It's always the same. Republican spouts insane talking point. Democrat counters with another talking point. Republican questions Democrat's patriotism. Democrat asks where the WMDs are. And on and on and on.
I've watched a few of these "Meet The Press" senate debates. They all blend together. Same questions, same answers, no matter which state they're from. Do any of these fucks have an original thought? Do any of them have the courage to stray from the party line and actually say what they really feel? Sadly, the answer seems to be no. I hate to break it to you. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, I'd love to hear it. This is a case where I'd love to be proven wrong. Don't worry. I'm still going to vote and shit, but my well of disdain has run dry.
At least for today.
I'm pretty over it myself. I've even sort of stopped paying attention. And, as one of our gov't teachers pointed out when I was arguing with him today, I'm a little bitter about politics. There's certainly plenty to be bitter about. . .
Megan- I'm certainly bitter. Or at least frustrated with the apathy. You get to a point where you've said all you can say.
Are you going to see the Robin Williams movie, the one where the comedian becomes President? I'm all for a new party where comedians, etc. become politicians who actually do something for the country and make it fun in the process.
I've become numb to it all as well and don't listen to much of anything.
Teri- There are a bunch of comedians that I think would make good presidents. Unfortunately, I think they're all too smart to ever run.
That's the thing about politics -- it doesn't exactly attract our best and brightest.
You're scaring me big time. I live in Canada and consider W.Bush to be the worst thing to happen to our continent in a long time.. I lived in the States for one of the happiest summers in my life last year Clinton was in power. The next year I came back and I could tell the wind had shifted. When I crossed the border back home, it felt like the weight of the world had lifted from my shoulders.
What scares me is that people are getting disillusioned, complacent. I mean it blows my mind that many, many Americans live in a country at war and yet don't even think twice about it. Holy shit! Canada is fighting in Afghanistan right now (big, big, big mistake) and it really bothers me that we have now crossed the line from "peace keepers" to "attackers of foreign countries".
Complacency is exactly what the monster needs to shift into second gear...
Chris, I love your political rants...I totally agree with them.
Government is supposed to be for the people. All people. But it's not and sometimes I think it never was. At least in this country. Here's what needs to happen:
1) We need to impeach the idiot in the White House. (perjury is still a crime, isn't it?)
2) Next, we need to really reform campaign finance.
3) Finally, we need to supply free air time to the candidates (All of them, not just Reps & Dems) so the corporations will not have an effect on elections.
Either we adopt these things or we will still have a corporate government.
Emmanuel- Glad you're reading! Make sure to save a place for me up in Canada! You never know when I might chuck it and migrate northward.
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