
Annoyingly Happy...

Did you ever wake up and feel fucking overjoyed to be alive? For the first time in weeks there was a pretty sunrise. Driving by Walloon Lake on my way to work, I marvelled at the beauty as the mist rose and the sun reflected off the opposite shore. Last night I had a lightning-bolt of inspiration strike me with an amazing idea. It is not bacon-flavored gum or goofy t-shirts. This idea could very well set into motion a chain of events that could permit me to retire before I'm forty, which would allow me to carve fish, ski, and travel to my heart's content and not worry about an income.

On top of all this, I finally dislodged this fucking popcorn shell that has been dogging me for a couple days. How much better can things get?


Frank Sirmarco said...

Are you 'Stupidly Happy' as well?

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Good for you. I'm always glad to hear that someone is feeling happy. It's so rare these days.

Geo said...

I can share your popcorn shell joy, but to answer your first question... no.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Is it popcorn shell-dislodging gum?

anne altman said...

fantastic! walloon lake looks pretty fantastic too!

GETkristiLOVE said...

You didn't mention where the popcorn shell was lodged, but based upon your excitement of relieving it of its position, I think I can guess where.

Anonymous said...

Need a business partner??

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I must learn how to retire before I am forty. If you figure out how to do this, I'm in. Seriously. You must share your wealth. Sharing means caring after all.

Cup said...

That's your view? Hell, I'd be happy, too ... even with Dubya getting ready to erect the big fence.

Some Guy said...

Frank- Yes. In fact I'm coming unglued (XTC reference for those out of the loop)
Dirty- Cheer up!
Flannery- It's a shame isn't it?
Vikki- Ooo! Good one! Does regular gum do the job already, though?
Anne- That photo is from stock footage. It's actually Lake Charlevoix, in front of my old place. I used to drive past three lakes on my way to work! There are more pretty sunrises in my links
Kristi- You're sick and that's good.
B.O.- Amen!
MixedNut- You never know. Send me your resume.
Boob Lady- I know we have the "American Dream". Do Canadians talk about a "Canadian Dream"?
Beth- I'm sure he's up for all the brush clearing work that will need to be done to make way for the fence.