
A Memorable Post...

I have never, in my life, used the word "feckless" in a sentence.

You have just witnessed a first.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris. Feckless is definitely a cool word. I need to use it some one of these days as well.
Hey, your sidebar is missing, and I can't get to the bottom of your next post or any subsequent ones--or to the bottom of your blog. I think Blogger's freaking out on you ...

Some Guy said...

Hmmm. Everything looks OK now. Let me know if this persists.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing, Big Orange.

Chris, are you implying that one or all of the fellows in the picture are feckless? Did you use feckless in a sentence offline and now you are reporting it? In that case, how could we be witnesses?

And, more importantly, why haven't you used feckless until now? It's a delightful word that says so much. It is one of those gems of a word, whose very sound immediately translates the meaning of the word itself. It's almost got the feel of a swear word. Yummy.

Embrace the word! Don't use it obliquely.

...Well, you can write however you like. I tend to get a wee bit zealous about word usage.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Something's screwy with blogger. I take credit for the above statement.

Flannery Alden

Some Guy said...

Big & Flann- This post is the first time I ever used it in a sentence, written or spoken. You may draw your own conclusions as to what feckless (that's twice!) has to do with these three men. It's a good word.