So as I understand it, President Brain-Trust is upset about a proposed measure that would require the appointed head of FEMA to have a minimum of five years experience in disaster management before being considered for the job. As you may remember, Michael "Heckuva Job" Brown worked for the Arabian Horse-Fucker Association or some such thing before becoming FEMA's top banana. We all saw how that turned out.
So Dubya is pissed because he thinks this would limit his ability to appoint whoever he wants, no matter how incompotent or unqualified they might be. Our leader, ladies and gentlemen...
*I am not going to hunt for a link to this story. I sense my readers trust me implicitly and, if not, are savvy enough to track down this story themselves.
Of course it would limit his ability to appoint whoever he wants! That's the point!
::banging head against the wall::
I'm not sure why he bothers to say anything at all. Isn't he just going to ignore them anyway?
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