I don't eat apple sauce, apple pie, apple butter, apple crisp, or Apple Jacks (TM).
I rarely drink apple juice or cider.
I don't own an Apple computer.
I don't listen to Fiona Apple.
I have never been to the Big Apple.
And I think you know my feelings on Gwyneth's baby-naming tendencies.
*Edited to add: Chicago was fun. My niece is cute as ever. I ended up getting her the Fisher Price Farm, a toy that I had as a little kid. It's different from mine, but it made sounds and seemed to hold her interest for more than a few minutes. I consider that a success.
I'm with you on the apple business, though I do like apple sauce.
Glad you had a good time. The Fisher Price farm is a classic. Good choice.
I made German apple pancake yesterday.
Glad she had a happy birthday!
apple jacks suck
apple pie however is awesome
but only if my mom made it
oh.. and
Apple computers ROCK!
you should buy one
Glad you had a good trip!
I like apples too. Yum!
Glad you had a good time in Chicago. Did you bring me back the chicken parmigiana sandwich I requested?
Thanks for giving me a call while you were in town...
What about Apple records?
Flannery- I was amazed that she didn't immediately put each animal in her mouth.
Vikki- Yeah, I don't eat those either. I am an asshole.
Jen- I think I could be sold on getting an Apple computer. By the way, thanks for that chicken video! Hilarious!
Zed- I did, but I got hungry on the drive back. I owe you one.
Frank- I figured you were too busy slaying dragons.
Mixed Nut- Good point! I do own some Apple records and like them a lot!
I'm the opposite. I don't care much for an apple, but I'll eat appl-y stuff.
And I am also glad you had a good time with your cutie neice :)
You DON'T like Apple Jacks? Shame on you. You too Jen. Geez you guys. Try not being able to get them anymore. I bet you'll be jonesing. I know I am. I hit rock bottom yesterday and went nuts at the Supermarket. They kindly told me not to ever return.
Boob Lady - I like Apple Jacks, I just never eat them. As for the sauce, pie, butter, & crisp, I don't care for those. I wish I did.
I had to use a Windows machine last night at school.
You can take away my Mac when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.
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