
Guesses At What's Being Said Here...

  • "So, wait a sec. When the big hand is on six and the little hand is between four and five, what does that mean again?"
  • "Wow! Twenty seconds without invoking 'nine-eleven'. That's a new record!"
  • "Dick, Davey & Goliath comes on in five minutes. Could we go over that new terrah threat some other time?"
  • "I told you to get the watch that has Pac-Man on it. Now I get to play and you don't, sucker!"
  • "T-minus 30 seconds before the whole shithouse goes up in flames!"
  • "No, Mr. President. You see, Animal House is just a movie. Just because Otter and Bluto synchronized their watches doesn't mean we have to, too."
  • "3:00! Time for Ho-hos!"
  • "Looking at my watch, I can't help thinking what a simple-minded, lying, moron fuck I am. That ever happened to you?"
Feel free to add your own...


Frank Sirmarco said...

“Thirty seconds to Pop-Tarts!”

Frank Sirmarco said...

“Dick, how long does it take Condoleeza to put in her fucking diaphragm anyway?”

Frank Sirmarco said...

“Seventeen minutes to get through the alphabet, Mr. President. That’s a new record!”

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

"On your mark, get set, LIE!"

Some Guy said...

Hey! This is a family blog, Frank. Pictures of Aretha Franklin's saggy breasts is one thing, but that kind of talk is pushing it. I realize that the Veep's penchant for young girls is well established, but he's trying to overcome it. Cut him some slack.