I just watched this last night and all I can say is holy fucking shit. Apparently "Winter Soldier" was banned when it was released. It is not a movie for the faint of heart. It is the story of brave ex-soldiers coming forward to explain why the Vietnam War was wrong. These are the guys that threw their medals back. I think at the time many of them were dismissed or ignored due to their long hair and beards, but I can't help thinking that what they said was true. Most of it is just Vietnam Vets giving personal testimony to the atrocities they witnessed and/or engaged in while over there. They go into horrific detail when they describe their training as well as how they regarded the Vietnamese. To them, they were subhuman - animals - whose lives had absolutely no value. There is also photographic and filmed material to support their claims. This is a movie that any war supporter should see. They need to watch it and know the sorts of things that warring nations are capable of. If people don't think the same things aren't going on today in Iraq or Afghanistan, I think they're pretty naive. This movie is a must see as far as I'm concerned.
Thanks! Queue'd it!
I see you've already seen Hearts and Minds as well. I remember seeing that in college and being blown away.
Vikki-Along those lines, you'd probably like "Atomic Cafe" if you haven't already seen it. It's a collection of different "instructional" films and newsreels dealing with the A-bomb from the 50s. Looking at it and knowing what we know now, it is more proof what suckers we are in this country.
I have seen Atomic Cafe.
I was born in '61, so I also saw all those films for real in school.
I remember ducking and covering - seriously. I am old.
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