
Fun Facts: Star Trek And Milk...

-I have never, in my life, watched an episode of Star Trek in any of its incarnations, nor have I seen any of the movies. This came up at the bachelor party over the weekend and made some of my friends very upset.

-I don't put milk on cereal. I eat it dry. So do other members of my extended family. Oddly, this also makes people very upset when they hear it.


Cup said...

And yet ... I somehow respect you a little more for both.

Frank Sirmarco said...

Chris, you sound just like the evil Kirk from, "The Enemy Within"

Anonymous said...


RandyLuvsPaiste said...

despite BushCo's attempts, it's still a free country (for the most part), but there is no XTC "Dear God" album.
Skylarking, yes.
Dear God, no.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Star Trek TOS is like the original Twilight Zone or The Match Game with Gene Rayburn: you cannot even come close to understanding the American zeitgeist without tuning in at least once.

GETkristiLOVE said...

I disagree with Frank - you don't sound like Kirk in The Enemy Within, more like Spock when the Eymorgs stole his brain in Spock's Brain and he was just an empty shell.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought I watched alot of Star Trek.

Frank Sirmarco said...

I got your Eymorgs right here, Kristi!