
For The Record...

Henceforth, I shall cease to refer to you as "Chachi" and instead refer to you as "Bob Loblaw", one of the greatest television names ever invented.

I just finished working my way through the DVDs of this series. Like "The Sopranos", I didn't watch it in its original run. To those of you who loved this show, I'm sorry. I was wrong.

Man, a Zmed post AND a Baio post in the same day. Creepy...


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I love love love Arrested Development! Fine television!

Anonymous said...

He'll always be Chachi to me.

Anonymous said...

Never seen a minute of it. I watched about ten minutes of The Wire the other day, now I'm frantically tracking down the previous seasons. I can't do another show. I can't. I won't.