I did it!!! I won!!! Well, not quite, but I thought you all needed a little mental "goose" after the long weekend. One of my favorite discussions to have with people is the one where you talk about what you would do if you won a million dollars. This may confuse some of my loyal readers based on my past comments I've made about unbridled consumerism. I just think its a revealing way to find out what people really value, besides being an optimistic subject. One thing had my buddy Dave & I baffled - those people who win the lottery and then claim that they'll just keep working at their same jobs. Now, if anyone has evidence that anybody like this has actually kept their word for an extended period of time, I'd love to hear about it. I have a hard time relating to people that would do this. If these people exist, I really feel bad that the twin fangs of capitalism have sucked them so dry that they don't understand how foolish this is. I could see it easier if they had a really kick-ass occupation, like "beer taster" or "blimp pilot", but most of these yahoos have shitty jobs in factories. Some of you might say, "Hey, Chris, you know a million dollars isn't what it used to be." Bullshit. I think if you had a million dollars in one lump sum (after taxes, of course), you'd have to be a complete moron or really irresponsible to not know how to ride out those winnings in comfort until you die. Then again, I live on frozen pizza and happily drive a 14-year-old truck with 235,000 miles, so I could be an anomoly.
Sadly so many people that win have no sense to invest what they get and many a powerball winner has gone bankrupt.
Lunar-fix: I've never understood this. When someone in this country gets a huge lump sum of money at one time, you either have to have a really bad addiction to something or be really irresponsible to blow it all.
Megan: I would buy and conserve land too. Way to incorporate previous posts into your comment! And I don't want to sound like I'd just lay around. If I won, I'd still work on stuff, I just wouldn't worry if it was profitable or not. PS- Your post about "iono" cracked me up!
I won the lottery once - $99.96 of it. I went out drinking and bought beer for a bunch of friends. Good times.
I would quit my job, and do something else in the education field, like create some sort of foundation. Something where I was in charge and didn't have to deal with administrators.
But that's only if I won 50 mil or so, because, like it or not, a million really doesn't buy much. After taxes you are looking at about $500,000. In the city of Chicago that is a 2 bedroom condo in a nice, but not great, neighborhood.
With a million I would buy a condo, and maybe get the tail light on my car repaired.
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